
March Magic and a Quick Catch Up

Well March came in like a lamb for us. Although we had lots of cloud cover, this past weeks temperatures have been fairly mild although never reaching above 8 degrees C, but to me that feels rather mild after the cold winter we have had. Today (Saturday) was simply BEA-UUUU-TI-FUL! clear skies, hazy and warm. Just lovely. We have had a few days like this over the past two weeks and each time I awaken to these days I feel blessed and overwhelmed with a sense of well-being. I can feel spring in the air and evidence of it’s anticipated arrival is EVERYWHERE! The birds – oh the birds are all a twitter and so busy! We have been watching them with delight from our conservatory as they are doing their best to impress, pairing up and flying to and fro with nesting material! The magic of March! *sigh*

Today our first crocus popped up and opened it’s little face to the sun. It looked kindda lonely all by itself though. Our driveway and our street is lined with daffodils just waiting to burst into bloom. The flower buds are developing nicely but are not quite ready to show their brilliance just yet. I continue to buy in the hothouse daffs from our local supermarket for the home – I just love the cheer that they bring.

It’s been a fairly tough week for us health-wise. Miss J-L has been really ill with this awful flu that seems to be doing the rounds at the moment. We have had two particularly hard days with lots of bed rest and audiobooks to keep her occupied!

 This week was also our first week with our new curriculum, so lots to deal with – which explains my absence from here :o). Although it has been a challenging ‘school’ week, both girls have really taken to A.C.E and are loving it! I have a post planned on an update on this area as I have many thoughts on this. I have been really surprised with how the girls have taken to this very different way of learning from what we have been used to up to now. I’ve had many a pondering moment this week! More on all that another time.

Upcoming plans for the new week…. 

**my dear friend and her family return from a month-long trip to South Africa. I have missed her and can’t wait to catch up.

**Monday also sees repair men coming to fix the automated garage door which has been on the blink for what seems the longest time!

**Mothering Sunday on the 10th here in England. Since moving to England we have had to observe TWO Mothers Day’s each year. South Africa – and I dare say most of the rest of the world – observe Mothers Day in May. So March is observed in our home and May for our respective mothers back in South Africa.

** The usual running around to various activities that the girls are involved in

** A birthday card to finish stitching for a special family member

** And some planning is required to include our nature studies into our new program. This seemed to fall by the wayside this February.

Blessings All…