
A Bluebell Walk

Well it’s that time again – the Bluebells are out and nodding their pretty purple heads. As has been our custom since arriving in England, we make our annual bluebell pilgrimage and go and tiptoe among these pretty little British beauties.

Of course with the weather warming up we could not resist paddling in this sparkly little creek.

When the girls saw this tree with ‘eyes’, they immediately brought to mind Enid Blytons ‘The Magic Faraway Tree’ :o) 

Isn’t this little gate set in the typically English dry stone wall lovely?

We have previously done an OHC on the Bluebell. If you are wanting to do your own study you can visit my post for some lovely free downloads and links. This year I found these cute little bluebell knitting patterns. I’m quite keen to give them a go, although those little flowers look rather fiddly! I do love how each season brings something new to the beautiful British countryside. Just lovely!

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