Create,  Hearts At Home

The Creative Home: Yarn Along

This past week has been a bit of knitting triumph followed by great disappointment! I made great HUGE progress with DH’s Weekend Pullover. As I mentioned last week, the pattern is quite rhythmic and therapeutic to knit – and it really does grow quickly. Last night I finished the left side of the front. I had even cast off the shoulder and started up the right-hand side of the V-neck. DH came in after collecting the girls from their church youth evening and I held up the front to get an idea how it was going to fit. This is the part that caused me to almost WEEP! It was about 3 inches to short of his ideal length! Grrrrrr!! 

Now I have waited 15 years to knit this form him and I know that if it is not the right length it simply will not be worn as often as it should be. There was only one thing to do – yup – FROG right down to the point where I started the V-neckline! **Sigh** – Anyhoo, I have penned some adjustments to the pattern and shall move on from there. I am going to be a bit more careful as I go on from here, checking before it’s too late on fitting and length issues. 

To cheer myself up I started another project! LOL – this is a quick knit that I had planned to pull out as an ‘encouragement’ piece during the sweater knitting marathon. Something quick and easy to knit up – perhaps a little project to break any monotony. I chose some lovely yarn at the beginning of the month to knit up this stunning eternal scarf – Stockholm Scarf

I chose this beautiful rust colour Drops Lima yarn – oh it is SO pretty! I just love the colour, it is going to be the perfect autumn addition to my wardrobe! I bought extra yarn at the time to make a cute little slouch hat to match. I guess having to FROG a bit wasn’t so bad, it gave me an EXCELLENT excuse to cast on a new project ;o)

Joining Ginny at Small Things for Yarn Along


  • elizabeth

    oh dear, I think everyone who has sweater stories has this one too! I know you can do it though!!! Carry on! and lovely new project too!

    • Shirley-Ann

      :o) I will persevere Elizabeth! Thanks for the encouragement. Knowing that many Yarn Along-ers have had to FROG sweaters certainly helps you to bounce back and keep on trying! LOL

  • Erin

    Beautiful color for your "consolation" knitting. 🙂 I too have been known to cast on a new project when met with bitter disappointment in the current project.

    I think it must be a "knitting for guys" thing. When I knit for my boys I measure them and the knitting far more often than necessary because they want it to fit in a very particular way.

    • Shirley-Ann

      Good tip Erin! Girls seem to just 'fit' into their knits – not guys though! Good lesson learnt!

  • Anonymous

    Very nice yarn colour, a matching hat will look cool.

    I have to ask about the most high king but on your bio above, I've wondered eveyr YA week! What? Who? Where? Why? 😉

    • Shirley-Ann

      :o) – I am a born again Christian Rachel, so the most high king is God of course :o) Who? Creator and sustainer of all things. Where? You can accept Him as your Saviour any time and where. Why? because I am a sinner and Jesus died for my sin. He has redeemed my soul. By faith I have accepted Him as my saviour and by faith I walk all the days I have on earth until He comes again or I am called home first.

      Love the scarf you are working on BTW. I tried to leave a comment on your blog but kept getting an error message on the comment box!

  • Michelle

    At least you discovered the problem before you'd gotten any farther. And good for you for fixing it — I would've either knit it the wrong length or never finished it.

  • karen

    oh no!!! that is awful to have to rip it out….I am grieving with you. But better than burying all the threads and then-bam- the big reveal!! He better love this sweater of love forever.

  • Erin

    Oh how sad! Hugs, friend. Great catch though! Can't wait to see it on him, the right length!

  • Andee

    I hope your sweater works out next round. I love that scarf you are making. I've had that pattern sitting on my desk waiting to be knit for some time now.

  • Unknown

    Ripping back like that is so frustrating! Best of luck with the pattern edits. I'm sure all the hard work will be appreciated.

  • Stephanie

    Better to rip now than regret later! Hope it goes better this time. That's a beautiful cowl pattern. I like your color choice! Happy knitting!

  • Creative Life Studio

    Sometimes when I run into frustrations with my knitting (which can be with nearly every project!), my husband will look at me and say something like, "You LIKE doing this, right??" 🙂 Part of the pleasure of knitting, I think, is the triumph we feel when we figure out how to fix the mess we've just made! 🙂

    Love the scarf and the color. It's going to be lovely!