
A Weekly Wrap-Up

This week has certainly flown by hasn’t it? I have not been here as often as I had planned, I missed my Yarn Along post for the second week in a row – first having no computer due to storms knocking out our network provider, and secondly because I was travelling on that day to Staffordshire to pick up my DD from Soul Survivor.

It is good to have her home! She had an absolute blast at Soul Survivor and of course is set on attending next summer ;o) – her younger sister is set on going too – we shall see.

We have been eating from the garden this week! All those months ago planting little seeds and nurturing them on the windowsills of our home, finally they are yielding food for our table. We have eaten lots of roast beetroot, had fresh garden peas for two suppers and just this week we have eaten broccoli from the garden. We also harvested our potatoes today! We were so impressed – they all look lovely. I can’t wait to cook with them.

The tomato plants are needing staking, and the pumpkins are needing some attention – they have gone wild and there are lots of little pumpkins forming.

I am hoping that most of them will develop to maturity as my autumn Pinterest board is brimming with ideas both foodwise and craftwise for them.

The sunflowers are a joy at the moment. Just so beautiful. I am so glad that I planted sunflower seeds this year. I am certainly going to do so for next summer – only this time I am quite inspired by some ideas I’ve gleaned on Pinterest.

You can have a look at some of the inspiration on my Summer board

On the knitting front I have finally finished the front of DH’s weekend sweater – whooohooo!

Now this man of mine is certainly challenging my to new knitting heights. He has asked if I could please put a ribbed band around the bottom. The pattern does not call for one AND I have now finished the front. So it means a bit of a search through YouTube for a ‘how-to’ video to add on a ribbed band on afterwards. I do have some idea – I’m thinking using a circular needle after the front and back have been sewn together, pick up X amount of stitches along the bottom and rib? If anyone has done this in the past please do let me know how!

I have also finished the first half of my Stockholm Cowl and am well on my way with the second half. I just love everything about this knit. The pattern, the colour yarn I’m using, the way it feels. It makes me long for cooler days!

I’ve also been working on updating my FCS {File Crate System} which is just the most wonderful home organisation tool I have adapted from Dawn at By Sun and Candlelight.  I will share more on this at a later time as I am still working on updating my Home Journal.

So busy times :o) – now my daughter has just called everyone for lunch – she did the cooking today! Isn’t that great? So I will love and leave you now and hope to see you all very soon ;o)

One Comment

  • karen

    Look at all the garden treats! You are lucky :). Great projects on the needles- have a lovely weekend!