
Some Things To Do This New Month

The last few days {bar today} we have woken to lovely clear blue skies, but there is a distinct nip in the air! It’s coming, autumn is on her way!

Tomorrow I will share my September plans with you, but for today I thought I would share some autumnal things that we have done and enjoyed in the past. Perhaps they are things that you could add to your own autumn bucket list.

* Last years September seasonal plans can be found here

* Create an Autumn notice board for your school room

* Why not put together a seasonal book basket and display?

* Start looking out for those changing leaves and create some simple autumnal displays for your home.

* Go apple picking and blackberrying and make some delicious kitchen treats.

* Go on a seed hunt nature walk

* Start collecting nature treasures for you autumn nature table.

* Gather supplies to make an autumn leaf garland for you home later on in autumn. We’ve created two very different ones in the past. You can really be creative with this one!

* Create a pretty flower and pumpkin center-piece for your home.

Have a lovely day friends :o)

Blessings in Christ
