
Autumnal Knit Finish

If you have been reading my blog for a while, you will remember my Yarn Along posts (they have been few and far between of late) where I shared my latest projects, one of which was the Stockholm Scarf.

The last time I shared I was inches away from a finish – that was in late August – well, I did in fact finish it not long after that post. It has taken me that long to do a self-portrait type photograph – which I hate doing, it’s a bit like a trip to the dentist for me – something that I would really rather avoid! LOL

 Anyhoo – here’s the ‘Ta-Daaah’ moment…

 I LOVE it! It is one of the best additions to my winter wardrobe this year. I love the colour, the feel, the warmth, the pattern -everything about it ;o). My lovely daughters are now begging for one – so I guess I had better get DH’s sweater finished asap and get knitting!

Joining Ginny for Yarn Along