
Gathering Geese and Other Things

Life seems to be exceptionally busy at the moment. I see that I have not been here for over a week. Each day seems to have been packed with busy-ness. I have to admit that I do not cope well with sustained periods of time where each minute of each day is filled with something to do. I need rest periods, times to just sit quietly, knit and gaze across the landscape from the conservatory. Times to quietly enjoy my home, creating, nurturing homebody type activities.

This week sees a slower pace to life – for which I am so grateful. I plan to guard those quite pockets of time and not allow anything to squeeze it’s way in! LOL

Over the past few weeks we have had flocks of geese flying over our house in their typical V-formation, honking, as they make their way down to the lake. They did not do this last year, but this year it seems to be becoming a regular – almost daily – occurrence. It is quite comforting to hear their noisy chatter as they fly overhead. 

Last week we popped down to the lake to see how many geese there were – we were curious as we have seen quite a few flocks flying overhead. It was quite a sight! We heard them all honking before we saw them. The lake is simply full of these Canada Geese. My photographs just don’t do justice – but take my word for it – there must be hundreds of geese gathering here.

I do wonder why this is – and how DO they know to gather here, at this particular lake? The mysteries of nature!

Other happenings, we hosted a Bonfire Night at our home on Saturday. We have friends who live further afield and needed to have our celebrations over a week-end rather than on the 5th itself. Although the weather just did not play ball – I mean, gale-force winds and lashing rain – we decided to go ahead anyway {with the encouragement of an English born and bred friend} – and I am so glad that we did.

We had sent out invitations that the girls made, prepared the food well in advance and were looking forward to the festivities. What fun we had! Lots of lovely colourful fire-works, traditional Bonfire Night food, and plenty of good company – and my sister visiting from South Africa! It was a good night!

This week I am looking forward to lavishing some time and attention on my family and home – quite pottering type things. The veg patch is in need of attention, as is the home – a bit of cleaning, sprucing and preening. My home-journal needs updating with our November ‘celebrating the year’ activities – which I will share with you later on in the week, and I have some freezer cooking to attend to – I have a bag full of apples that were gifted to me two weeks ago that are waiting to be made into apple pies and crumbles for the winter season.

For now I shall love and leave you. Hope to see you here again very soon :o)


  • Bevy @ Treasured Up and Pondered

    The sounds of geese – flying overhead. I say the same thing. I used to find it annoying but now – I kinda enjoy the sound – "Trumpets of the Sky"… I say. Except we have a cow pasture or two that they're landing in – not a lake.

    🙂 Happy Apple-ing… sounds yummy. I have "no-knead" bread rising and getting ready for a beef stew for dinner.

  • karen

    Sometimes being busy is a god thing, love the cards and the fire! So cute. We have ducks and geese down at the bottom of the hill and I love them:)