Create,  Hearts At Home

The Creative Home: Yarn Along

Joining Ginny today for Yarn Along

I only have two projects on the go at the moment – still busy with my stripey blanket which is destined to live in the car for the girls to cuddle up in during winter.

I had to frog my Fair Isle hot water bottle cover as it was turning out WAY too big for the bottle. Instead I have decided to stitch and quilt a cover. It’s coming along quite nicely and almost ready to share here :o)

DH’s Weekend Jumper is nearly finished. I am on the final sleeve now and then it’s just sewing up and finishing off.

Reading: I found Gervase Phinn’s first adult novel on the library shelves this week. I have loved his tales of his time when he was a schools inspector. He often had me in stitches over the funny tales he told surrounding young children in education. I am hoping that this book will live up to his excellent writing track record :o)

That’s it for today. The sun is shining after some heavy rains so the girls and I are off for a cobweb clearing nature walk.

Blessings all…


  • karen

    how exciting to be finishing up your husband's sweater! Sorry about the hot water bottle cover, hopefully you'll be back on track.

  • Heather

    Hi Shirley! I have just recently found your blog through OHC blog. I have really enjoyed perusing your blog. We have a lot in common. :O) How exciting that you are almost finished with your husband's sweater. I read the first book in the school inspector series by Gervase Phinn. I really enjoyed it. Have you read Miss Read? I love her books. ;o)

    • Shirley-Ann

      Hi Heather – glad you found me :o). I have read Miss Read – l LOVE her books. Another great read is Jack Sheffield's school series. I am totally addicted to those. If you enjoy Miss Read, Gervase Phinn and James Herriot, you will love Jack Sheffield.

  • Heather L.

    Not sure if my first comment published…..that book looks so good! I'm going to see if my library can get it.