
A Winter Morn…

If you have been a long-time reader of my blog, you will know how I love to capture the changing face of the season. I try to have my camera nearby to catch the moment – whatever that moment may be. This morning we woke to a foggy frosty landscape. It was just breathtakingly beautiful and so quiet.

I popped my camera into my coat pocket as I headed out to fill the feeders in the garden as I do every morning, but not before I caught our resident pheasant and one of his hens having their breakfast 🙂

Again, the grass was crunchy under foot, the trees just shadowy outlines in the distance. As I moved towards each feeder, a flutter of wings, a darting away of my small feathered friends. I know that as soon as I am back inside they will come eagerly to snap up the seed left for them.

As I empty my second cup of seed onto the stone patio feeder I notice the Magnolia tree is hung with fine silvery webs. So pretty!

I head back indoors for a warm cup of coffee and to watch the feeders for a while before I wake the family. A Chaffinch, Great Tits, Blue Tits, and my most favourite of all, the Robin come and visit.

 As the morning wears on and lessons begin, I notice Blackbirds – male and female – plucking worms from the sodden lawn, pigeons, and a cheeky Magpie pop by for a snack. As we are doing our Bible time together I am distracted by a small flock of Long Tailed Tits – they are just so sweet and I only every see them in winter 🙂

Isn’t winter just magical? I just love the varied face of this season. I love how this morning dawned clothed with winter frosts and fog, how last week a new day was ushered in with crisp frost and a glorious pink sky. And tomorrow? Well who knows – that’s the wonder of winter days 🙂