
It’s Time Again…

For the Big Garden Birdwatch!

Have you registered to participate yet? This is one citizen science project that we love to participate in each year. Last year I was so disappointed! We always have lots of visitors to our feeders, but for some reason on that weekend, the birds were rather shy. I felt that my results gave an inaccurate picture of what goes on in our garden. I am more hopeful this year 🙂

So we are all prepared for this weekend. I have bought lots of lovely birdy food, hung extra fat feeders of different kinds in the small trees that we can see from our windows. I have downloaded this lovely birdwatching sheet and the bird identification books are out for us to refer to in case we happen to be super lucky and spot an unusual visitor. (wishful thinking on my part I think)

You can download your sheet here.

This year there is a new aspect to the Big Garden Birdwatch – which I am very excited about. They are asking participants to record other mammals spotted in their gardens throughout the year – not just in the hour that you are twitching 🙂 As you know, we have quite an active ‘secret garden’ life here with hedgehogs and foxes frequently visiting us. So they will be added to our results.

Do you want to join in? Well pop over to the RSPB website and register to participate this weekend. The website has some great resources and activities to do with the children. 

Last thing before I go, I wanted to share this great illustration  I found of the Big Garden Bird Watch done by English illustrator Catherine Pain.

Isn’t it just lovely? I am inspired to do something similar in my nature journal 🙂