
Stitching and Shadows

Hello to everyone on this lovely February morning :o). I’m so glad February is here, it means that spring is one step closer. Actually, our winter has not been that bad this year for us here in Derbyshire. We have had a good number of lovely sunny days to ward off SAD thank goodness :o).

I am always amazed at how quickly time marches on. It was not long ago that we had the hustle bustle of Christmas, now we are into the second month of the year already. It reminds me to treasure the small moments. I’m sure you all know about me and my moments by now ;o) – but I have a few more to share with you today.

Sunday moments – lovely weekending. Slow, peaceful and just perfect!


I am stitching the cutest little kitten in a cup at the moment. I am loving watching it come to life with each new stitch. I plan to do a couple of different stitchery’s and turn them into scatter cushions for the conservatory.


As I sat stitching on Sunday in the early morning in the warm conservatory, the shadows cast by the sun caught my eye. How lovely to see the daffodils projected onto the couch

and to watch the shadow of the Magnolia dance on the sunlit wall outside :o)

In the school room the nature table was awash with sunlight – and can you see the Hyacinths peeking out in their pot?

Today we are expecting another lovely sunnyish day before the next storm cell arrives. I will be sure to take a few moments to enjoy the feel of warm sunbeams on my face, catch a few more quiet stitching moments in the sunny conservatory and watch my little feathered friends at the feeders :o)

Have a WONDERFUL day everyone :o)


  • Amanda

    Oh I am so jealous of your sunshine and shadows! Where we live, we get about 30 minutes of sun on the sunniest of days, throughout the winter. The summer is lovely as anything but the weather hits the mountains just east of us and we get nothing but clouds from October to March. Your stitching looks great, and throw pillows are always nice. 🙂

  • karen

    beautiful sunshine in your days! looks like spring nearly! We received four inches of snow yesterday and tomorrow I think we are getting some more. Seems we are in a snowy pattern. The cross stitch is adorable 🙂

  • Sandra Ann

    We have that Winter Story the illustrations are so sweet as is your cat stitching!

    Have a good week

    San xx