
Happy Mothering Sunday!

Happy Mothering Sunday to you all.

I know that Mothers Day is celebrated in May in most countries, but here in England it is a traditional (originally Christian) holiday celebrated on the 4th Sunday in Lent.

During the 16 century people would return to their ‘mother church’ or main church or cathedral of the area, for a service to be held on Laetare Sunday. Anyone who did this was to  have gone ‘a-mothering’. In later times, it was the day when people ‘in service’ were given off to visit their mother church, usually with their own mothers and family members. This was a treat as often the long hours that servants were required to work gave them very little time to spend with their families once they were ‘in service’.

Anyhoo – today I was spoiled by my own family with some lovely thoughtful gifts. We got ready and attended a delightful Mothering Sunday service at church where all the mothers and grandmothers where treated to a small posy of flowers and some yummy Simnal cake with our coffee afterwards. Later my lovely family took care of lunch so that I could just relax and enjoy some stitching. A lovely day in all!

Source : Google Images

Did you remember to set your clocks forward last night? Yip – summer is edging closer. Now that we are into British Summer Time we can look forward to more daylight hours! That thought certainly does bring joy to my heart :o)

Blessings in Christ…


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