
Notes From Moor View…

I’m sure that I have not shared here yet that our house has a name :)…

It’s Moor View – more than likely named because of the views that we have. 

Today’s post is a simple little collection of small almost insignificant things that certainly do not warrant a post all to themselves, but they are little things that weave pleasure into my daily living and I thought that I would share them here in the form of – well, journal notes – hence, ‘Notes From Moor View’.

This might turn out to be very boring for most – but my blog is after all a record of our daily living and learning, so here we go…

Today started off blustery, but sunny…

This photograph was taken at a little after 7 a.m this morning while I was topping up the bird feeders.

3 hours later and it has all changed, we are now blustery and wet…

But while the sun was shining this morning, I enjoyed the way it streamed through the windows…

There is something about sun streaming into windows that makes my heart happy :o)

On my rounds while feeding the birds this morning I noticed how my tulips are beginning to change from yellow to pink. I love this variety {who’s name escapes me}, when they first open they are completely yellow, as time goes on and they reach the end of their bloom they turn pink.

My rhododendron is in bloom – although it’s knees are rather bare and woody – I need to find out why it is looking so shabby!

This week we had a box of curriculum arrive – I always get excited when opening up a new box of PACE’s – note I said ‘I’ – not the girls lol.

And something that we all got excited about this week…

The prospect of creating pretty summer dresses together ;o)

And one last little ‘nonsense’ note from Moor View…

If you happened to be driving behind me this is what you would see in my back window. Lots of planning going on for our annual church fete. I have been given the task of making some strings of bunting and a cake or two for the refreshments stall :o)

That’s it from me today – have a lovely weekend and hope to see you back here soon.


  • As He Leads is Joy

    It was windy here as well today. My kids enjoyed playing outside with kites.

  • Sue

    I loved reading this post! I've never lived in a house with a name, but I think it's rather nice that you do. 'Moor View' is perfectly descriptive. Our weather has been similar to yours, with many days switching from sun to rain, although today it was cool and misty throughout. I have never seen tulips like that–color changing tulips!;–they are special, indeed. Like you, I am always thrilled to receive new curriculum materials in the mail; it gives me a homeschooling boost. What lovely dress patterns you and your daughters chose. You always have such nice projects going. That poster in your window gave me a chuckle. Our church's annual festival is being held on the same day: June 14th!

    Wishing you a nice weekend. : )

  • Mrs. White

    I enjoyed my visit here. Your pictures are lovely. I love that your home has a name!
    Mrs. White