Create,  Hearts At Home

The Creative Home: Yarn Along Late Spring Notebook

Today I am joining Ginny in her weekly Yarn Along post.

I have finished that second sock! Yippee, I hope never to knit this pattern ever again. From now on any sock knitting that goes on here at Moor View will be adventurous and pretty 🙂

On the needles:: I have started knitting my Cable Rouge beret. I’ve only just completed the headband ribbing and about to start on the cable and lace pattern. I’m sure I will have more of an update next week.

Knitting projects still to finish up :: I have had all the pieces to Baby Emily’s cute little sweater knit up – all I have to do is sew it all together and post it off. A quick update – Baby Emily has had 3 in-utero blood transfusions and is fighting a good fight. She is due to be delivered by C-section next week and so far all is looking good. Thank you to all who have/are praying for this little baby.

Still reading my Cornish Coast murder mystery – I have to say that although I am really enjoying the read, my eyes do not stay open long enough and I am only managing a few pages at the most each night at the moment :o)

Thanks for popping in – enjoy what is left of Wednesday 🙂


  • flyingjen

    I'm not really a sock knitter so I can kind of understand what you are saying. What is the murder mystery you are reading?

  • Sue

    I love those stripey socks–they look very soft and cozy. It looks like you've made a good start on your hat. I haven't been able to get much reading done these days, either. I'm so tired at night–I think it's all of the time I'm spending outside working in the garden and going on nature walks.

    Baby Emily is in my prayers. ♥

  • Lisa

    I cannot wait to see how your beret turns out. I've never knit one and think this might be a good one to try. 🙂 I think your sock turned out really cute! Love the stripes.

  • karen

    hee hee, you're funny! love your socks and they looks lovely enough to knit again but maybe a different pattern or yarn.