
These Shoes Were Made For Walking…

What a glorious day we have had today! It has been so lovely and warm  23 degrees C and blue skies this morning. As the afternoon has worn on, heavy clouds have gathered and the air seems to have thickened with humidity – which has cast the most beautiful and soft light upon everything.

Today we invested in a pair of walking shoes for each of us. We do love to go walking and discovering new trails through the countryside on our nature walks, but often have found our footwear not up to the task – but that will no longer be the case ;). So what do you on a beautiful day with new walking shoes to break in?

Well go on a walk of course and explore new trails.

We knew that we could walk from our house, across the farmland and to the woods and reservoirs nearby. It’s a bit of a walk, a good few miles at least. Thing is, we have never been able to find the route. I decided to stop a walker and ask the way – 

“Oh it’s really straight forward”, said the kind lady, “You just cross the bridge to the other side of the stream and turn right. You’ll be on the path.”

Yip. She was right. It was an easy – although VERY muddy- path to follow. I think it will be better after a few days of no rain. But today we venture forth.

Along the trail we find much in flower and are delighted in all the bird life we come across.

The last of the Bluebells are still along the path, wild garlic is everywhere, it’s pungent aroma filling the air, and Cow Parsley is gracing the pathways and hedgerows.

We cross the stream again on a narrow wooden bridge…

and find ourselves at the bottom of a farmers field…

Soon after entering the field, we notice a polite notice to walkers…

As we skirt the fields, we see Mr. Farmer busy tending his crop…

and then we stop to admire the view of the farmyard in the distance…

Over a style we go and back into woodland. We cross the winding stream once again …

The trail is beginning to get TOO muddy now and the girls feet are hot and aching a bit from new shoes. “Can we stop and bathe our feet?”

We decide to walk back to a nice spot we had just passed…

The girls strip off their shoes and paddle in the icy water.

We watch a mother Robin teaching her fledgling to fly, they seem to be less afraid of human company this far out in the countryside.

Time to head back home. We retrace our steps, the sky is heavier now and delicate dandelion seeds float on the warm air…

Over the fields and through the muddy paths we go. Our feet are aching now but home is in sight. We strip off our shoes and pop them on the shoe rack in the outside covered hallway…

Each of us goes in a different direction. I grab a cup of tea and head over here to share our walk with you :o)

Thanks for stopping by and I’ll see you back here very soon.


  • DeliveringGrace

    Walking shoes are such a worthwhile investment. I've managed to keep walking through the winter really because of mine.

  • As He Leads is Joy

    I agree the weather was perfect today for a walk. That is what we did. We went walking today and decided that walking shoes are on our list of things to buy.

  • Sue

    What nice walking shoes! I definitely need to think about investing in a pair if I am going to do any serious hiking this summer.

    I thoroughly enjoyed every one of your gorgeous photos–the wild flowers, the stream, the farmer's field–what a beautiful walk.

  • karen

    shoes are so important, I find that out the older I get. I would love to walk around with you in your gorgeous settings, so pretty and serene!