
Celebrating July

Well here we are – High Summer! As I think on where we are in the seasonal year I am all too aware that summer is a short season for us in the Northern Hemisphere. August is Late Summer and then we hit my favourite season of all in September – Autumn.

For us in England, July means the start of the summer holidays! We are all looking forward to that! We have worked hard this year and we are all feeling a little washed out. The thought of sleeping in a little longer in the mornings, having no agendas and  having time to just think is like a little bit of heaven right now. So far 2014 had been wonderfully full and vibrant for us, and it will continue to be so what with more family coming out to visit later on in the year. 

But for now, let’s see what July has to offer us.


Gemstone: Ruby

Flower: Larkspur or Waterlily

Moon: Full Buck Moon (12th)

Traditional Rhyme

July is now what our old poets loved to call ‘sweet summer-time, when the leaves are green and long,’ for in such brief word-painting did they picture this pleasant season of the year; and, during this hot month, we sigh while perusing the ancient ballad-lore, and wish we could recall the past, were it only to enjoy a week with Robin Hood and his merry men in the free old forests… We feel the harness chafe in which we have hitherto so willingly worked, amid the ‘fever and the fret’ of the busy city, and pine to get away to some place where we can hear the murmur of the sea, or what is nearest sound – the rustle of the summer leaves

 ~ Chambers Book of Days (1864)

Faith :: Liturgical Year

3rd – Thomas the Apostle

22nd – Mary Magdalene

25th – James the Apostle

Nature and Garden

The patchwork landscape of the countryside is transformed this month. 

Crops ripen



soft fruits in abundance

balmy days

busy insects

birds morning chorus dies down

Life in July

Summer Holidays

Set time aside to journal

Ponder and Pray on the new school year

Chesterfield Medieval Market 29th

Summer Reading lists

Clean out my File Crate and restock with fresh folders

Choir breaks for the Summer

In the Kitchen



Homemade Popsicle’s

Jam making

Fish and Salads


Tin Can Lanterns

Follow Shirley Ann’s board All Things Summer on Pinterest.

I have a few more ideas on my summer Pinterest board which you can check out 🙂 

That’s about it for July, it seems to be a much slower month in the way of plans etc, perhaps that is the way it should be. Time to just relax and spend together as friends and family enjoying the warmer outdoor days and all that it has to offer.

Have a lovely Thursday all…