
It’s Been A Rough Week…

… on Tuesday we had to put our beloved kitty to sleep.

She’s been sick since June. After 6 weeks of antibiotics and 2 of steroids, she was no better. The vet said it was kinder to put her down as all avenues had been explored with little result. My heart broke and I sobbed in the middle of the pet store while my husband held her in his arms while they administered the medication.

As the week has worn on, of course you begin to feel better, a bit more accepting. I’ve spent a bit of time in my garden which offers a bit of peaceful reflection time.

In life’s sadder times it is good to acknowledge all the small things that bring a bit of joy into your day, don’t you think?

Yesterday I made my first sale! I was so excited 🙂 so today I spent a bit of time wrapping up my customers purchase – all pretty, because I like pretty and because I would love to receive something I bought in a little package like this 🙂

Washi tape is wonderful stuff! I used a bit on this label and then decorated the postal envelope with it so it all matches. I hope that my customer is delighted when she gets her purchase.

And today – the first apple fell from the tree …

Miss J-L spotted it. ‘Mom! An apple just fell from the tree!’

I’ve been meaning to go and pick them so that I can make lots of apple pies and crumbles for the freezer – but for this week at least, it’s been the last thing on my mind. Today’s falling apple kind of kicked me into action.

I hauled out the step ladder and plucked most of the apples off the branches. I see that the birds have found some of them already so I am glad that I harvested them all today. Over the weekend I’ll be baking up a storm I’m sure!

Another little happy moment…

a new family organiser for 2015. I spotted this cute little Beatrix Potter organiser and fell in love with it. I knew that this is exactly what I wanted to look at each day all of next year 🙂

There is plenty of space to record all of the families movements and appointments, and lots of cute prettiness!

I love the carrots that Peter Rabbit is eating – kind of reminds me of the carrots I pulled up today!

I’m so happy with my carrots this year! It’s the first time I’ve manged to grow long, straight, decent looking carrots. Growing bags is the secret for me!

Anyhoo – I must be off, I have a chicken pie to make for supper tonight. Enjoy the rest of your week, hope to see you back here very soon.


  • karen

    I am so terribly sorry about your cat, you've lost a beloved family member and I know you will hold memories forever in your heart.

  • Sandra Ann

    Sending you a hug, so sorry to read about Kitty. You did the best thing but it is hard I know. We have said goodbye to two cats 🙁

    I am pleased about your etsy sale! Well done you! I have made a batch of bags, hairbands and other things, in between being unwell and making a wedding dress, I just need to list them on etsy 🙂

    We too have been gathering apples from the trees and so I think a batch of stewed apple will be on the cards this weekend.

    Hope you have a lovely peaceful weekend.

    San xx

  • mamasmercantile

    Sorry for your loss. A great harvest of carrots, I have never been successful. Congratulations on your first order, it looks very pretty.

  • gilly

    So, so sorry to hear about your beautiful kitty. Our furry babes become such a big part of our lives and it's always hard to lose one. Congrats on your first sale, and I love your pretty package. I'm sure your customer will be delighted. Have fun baking with those apples this weekend. Hugs xx

  • JES

    What a blessing to have homegrown apples! And I must say that I would be delighted to receive a package like that, you prepared it with love 😉 And I am sorry about your cat… Our little pets really attach themselves to our hearts…

  • Lisa

    So sorry about your Kitty, Shirley Ann. I know how it feels: we had to put our cat down last December. It's such a hard thing to do.
    Lovely apples and carrots… and I love the family organizer as we are all huge Beatrix Potter fans. 🙂