
Season Festivities

Hello and Happy December! Today the first windows in the Advent calendars have been opened, there is a feeling of anticipation as the advent season officially begins! Actually, the joy of Advent for us set in yesterday at our Christingle Service at church. The pews were fill and there was a distinct feeling of joy in the air. Christingles were lit and looked so beautiful in the church lighting up all those joyous faces. Now our Christingles grace the mantle lighting up the darkening days.

Another much anticipated event in our home – the construction of the Advent wreath which has taken centre stage in our living room this year. Our first candle was lit and we remember the hope that we have in our Lord and Savior. The hope he gave us by coming to earth to die for our sin, the hope we have of His return one day. What joy!

I thought I would share a few pictures of the Christmas Tree Festival held in Chesterfields ‘Crooked Spire’ Church. Oh this is a beautiful church – it takes my breath away every time I visit.

With DH off for a few days last week, we tried to do something festive with the girls each day – small things like visiting the Christmas Tree Festival, walking through our little town after sundown at 4pm with holiday coffees in hand to look at the Christmas lights, visiting our local garden centre to browse through their festively decorated areas, that sort of thing 🙂

The tree closest to the front of this picture touched my youngest daughter the  most, it was a prayer tree. All those tags hung on it’s branches are peoples prayers. We added one for a dear friends daughter who was {at the time} in hospital for 5 days with a severe bought of Gastroenteritis. Mercifully she is feeling better and is now at home.

On the home-front – I have managed to get quite a few Christmas gifts for friends finished – I can show you hints but not the whole thing unfortunately – complete reveals will have to come in January ðŸ™‚

… and a little festive baking has been going on already 😉 …

That’s about it from me today. Hope you all have a fabulous day and I’ll see you back here very soon 🙂

Blessings in Christ…


  • Loving Learning

    Ah that is so special Shirls, thanks for that prayer on the prayer tree. what a lovely idea. She is all better and has gone to the farm for a month with my sister . Wishing you all a blessed Christmas xx