
Snow On This Feast of Stephen

Hello dear readers.

 Have you had a blessed Christmas? We have had a lovely time. the crib service was absolutely lovely, Midnight Mass was so pretty all lit up – although we only crept into bed around 1.30 am so we were a little tired Christmas day. But all worth it and part of this wonderful season.

I had to show you this cute little picture of one of our kitty cats…

She has an absolute obsession with plastic packets. She licks them and loves to jump inside and just chill. Here she was ‘helping’ out while I was wrapping last minute gifts on Christmas eve 🙂

So, on this Feast of Stephen, we are expecting our first low-level snowfall of the season…

yes it is on it’s way and there is much excitement in our home as we are snow lovers here at Under An English Sky. So not quite a white Christmas but boxing day is a close second isn’t it 🙂

Have a lovely boxing day all, will see you all back here very soon.

One Comment

  • sewing green lady

    The snow looks beautiful to look at and as we are off work I don't mind it. I hope it all gets out of the way before I have to return to work! We went to mass at 5.30 on Christmas eve that is when all the children do the Nativity, it was lovely. Enjoy the rest of the season. xx