
Yarning Along This Winter

Another year to fill with knitting, crochet, sewing and all sorts of creative loveliness! Isn’t that a wonderful thought? I have my own little mini ‘resolutions’ in this regard, mostly to make time to do more creative creating 🙂

I’m kicking off 2015 with a ‘challenging-to-me’ project, a bit of Fair Isle work. I chose this wonderful Drops design for red and white mittens. It’s doesn’t look too hard so hopefully all will go well 🙂 It might take a few weeks as I know I’m going to need to get my hands to co-operate with one another with the colour changing etc lol.

On the reading front, a few crochet books from my local library. I’m just feeling really crafty at the moment and can see that it’s going to end up with me having three or four projects on the go. This is a regular occurrence in my home 😉 and I do eventually finish all the projects in my basket even if it takes a few months.

If you are a knitter or crocheter – why not pop over to Ginny’s blog and see what other people are busy with at the moment? If you have a blog why not join in? It’s a wonderful online creative community 🙂

Blessings to you all this lovely Wednesday January day.


  • mamasmercantile

    Good luck with the fair isle knitting. Love the look of your books definitely my kind of thing.

  • Donna

    I need some mittens for myself and it would probably be a great way to get some colorwork practice. I am anxious to see how yours turn out!

  • Margaret Dams.

    hello Darling,
    I am impressed by the fairisle pattern pattern you have chosen to knit the mittens.
    I visited Ginny but there is not enough time to read at the moment. Will do so another day.
    I love your blog.
    Gran XXXX

  • Desiree

    Hello, I have always ALWAYS wanted to do a color work project. Maybe in 2015 I can get around to it. 🙂 Good luck! Cannot wait to see the finished project.

  • Lisa

    Such a collection of inspiring books (love the teapot cozy!)…Shirley, those mitts are going to be just lovely. I've dabbled in Fair Isle, but never anything that intricate. Happy knitting!
    xo Lisa

  • Paula

    Those are great looking mittens. Do you knit with both hands? That's the secret to easy fair isle. I usually carry the main colour in my usual hand and the other in the other. Helps with the tangling too.

  • Unknown

    That's a great way to think of the year ahead 🙂 I've got lots of project bookmarked already and I LOVE the mitten pattern you've chosen! Great collection of books too, many hours of happy reading there!

  • gilly

    Ooh, fair isle and four needles – I'm in awe! 😉 Way to go you, and those books look like fun too. Enjoy & looking forward to seeing your makes. Happy new year, lovely. Hugs xx

  • Anonymous

    I am in the middle of my first Fair Isle project, and have been having so much fun with it! Enjoy every stitch! *hugs* 🙂

  • Anonymous

    Yeah for you to choose such a project as a challenge. It took me years to try out something like this. As for knitting in the round with two colours. I saw a tutorial on facebook for it that made it so much easier: You don't change colours while knitting one round but you basically knit the round twice: first with the colour no.1, leaving out the stitches, that have colour no. 2. Then you knit around with colour no. 2, knitting all the stitches you haven't knit with colour no.1. So to complete 1 row you actually knit the row twice. It might take longer but it saves you from having to have to deal with two colours at the same time.