
Garden Dreams

There are two seasonal diversions that can ease the bite of any winter. One is the January thaw. The other is the seed catalogues. – Hal Borland

I’m not sure that the January thaw mentioned in the above quote is quite true of a British winter as January is usually out coldest month with winter in full swing, but the other is true 🙂

 We still have quite a way to go before spring begins to show signs of entering the year, but I always am inspired to start my garden planning early on in the year. I haven’t got terribly far as of yet, but I have pulled out my seed box -which as you can see is in quite a disarray, and my ‘real/heritage seed’ catalogue. 

I’m thinking that this year I want to use all real or heritage seeds, that way I will be able to gather seeds to use for next years garden, and the next and so on. I’m also hoping that they might give me a bigger yield.

I have a few changes in mind for this years garden. Tomato plants are going into pots this year so that I can ‘follow the sun’ with them. It is so frustrating to get to the end of summer and all my tomato plants are laden with fruit that is all green. I lost just about all my tomatoes last year. So it’s time to try something new.

Another change is that potatoes are going into the ground this year. The last two years I planted in bags. Year 1 was a success, year 2 not so much. I’ve been watching BBC 2’s ‘The Big Allotment Challenge’, (have you seen it? I love watching it!) and have picked up a few good new-to-me tips on potato growing. So I have squirrelled the tips away in my gardening notebook. Next month I will buy some seed potatoes and chit them so they are ready to go into the ground at the end of April

And the layout – inspired by above said program. I’m pretty sure I can make it look pretty and make it work better than it has done in the past.

I’m also keen to grow more cut flowers this year. I love to pick flowers for my home and never seem to have enough.

I planted a whole lot of spring bulbs last autumn and I am just beginning to see them push through the earth. I loves this sight, especially when there is snow all about, it reminds me that winter’s grip will not last forever.

As you can see there are a whole lotta weeds pushing through the earth too 🙁  I think I may have to turn the soil this weekend. The ground is not frozen so it shouldn’t be too big of a job.

Indoors my orchid is giving me a wonderful display right now. It lives in my conservatory and goes through periods of rest when it is all sticks and stems and not much else. Time and time again it rewards my patience with beautiful blooms when it is ready. This particular plant has been with me for nearly 3 years now!

Time to end this rambling post I think lol, I could go on forever just posting random thoughts on my garden as it helps sort out what I want and need to do, but could probably get pretty boring for those who are reading 🙂 So I will love and leave you for the moment and see you back here sometime soon.

Blessings of Christ to you all…


  • mamasmercantile

    We have just started to think about our garden and reading through notes from last year. I too had a lot of green tomatoes but I used some of them to make a green tomato chutney which was very tasty, I also put some on the windowsill which helped ripen them.

  • Cath

    Hello sweet Shirley. I have been out of bogland for a while and missed your delightful posts. All the best with your garden planning. It's such a hopeful, exciting thing to be doing in the middle of winter

  • Jessica Snell

    I tried to grow flowers for cutting last summer and was soundly Defeated By The Snails, who chewed up everything.

    But now I have snail poison, and it seems to be working (my geraniums are less shredded), and so I'm going to try again! 🙂

  • Margaret Dams.

    Hello Darling – Gran again. I just love that calendar:-) I bought a Beatrix Potter one again this year.
    And the gardening post you know is loved and we gardeners are all optimists – hoping our seedlings will resemble the picture on the packet when they flower. Beautiful daffs shooting up in that pot.