
The Best Laid Plans

I had my day all figured out. I was going to nip out to the fabric store and stock up on some lovely fabric so that I could spend the afternoon sewing away and stocking the shelves of my Etsy shop.The thing is, mother nature had other plans…

A few snow showers was what we were expecting today, nothing too bad. Snow showers come and go. We had them yesterday, icy showers mixed with snow – no settling. Well … I think we got significantly more than just snow showers this morning!

Now you know me – I love the snow. But I was totally unprepared for this. I had planned to do a bit of grocery shopping on my way back from the fabric store as certain things are running low, but there is NO WAY I was going out in this. So I have been forced to be a bit creative and make do – the result was a successful and delicious lunch of baked potatoes and various toppings 🙂 My girls were happy so I guess that what constitutes ‘success’ in my home.

I must say that I enjoyed taking a few pictures of the bright colours within my home contrasting with the crisp white of the snow outside…

Of course this type of weather always causes absolute chaos on the roads. DH enjoyed a 2 hour, bumper-to-bumper, snail-paced drive to work this morning. It’s only a 10 mile run which usually takes him 20 minutes. 

We are due to cross the Pennines tomorrow as we have an art class, at the moment the pass is closed but I’m hopeful that it will be open again by tomorrow morning – should do, they are quite good about getting the roads cleared generally. At the moment though it’s not looking good, apparently the higher ground can expect more snow overnight. 🙁

Anyhoo, we have a lull in snowfall at the moment with blue skies overhead, the news update has said that it won’t last for long as there is another 2 or 3 hours of snowfall on it’s way. I think I’m going to take advantage of the lull and go for a snow walk 🙂

Happy Thursday to you all…


  • mamasmercantile

    We had a sprinkling that didn't last long. However it is cold and the roads are icy which seems to be causing problems. Stay warm and safe.

  • Debbie

    In spite of the road chaos, the snow does look beautiful. Your bright indoor color is a beautiful contrast to the snow. Hope you had a good snow walk.

  • Kelly

    Thank you for sharing! I would like to know how you made those pretty flowers on your window? What a nice splash of color!

    Take care,

  • karisma

    Your pictures are stunning. I think I have only ever seen real snow once in my life. I don't fair too well in the cold. 🙁 I hope it settles down for you so you can get to your art class.

  • Unknown

    Lovely pictures! It's amazing how creative you can get with cooking when your options are limited! 😀 Did you and the kids go and play in the snow? We keep being missed by the snow over here in the states. I live in the midwest and all of the east keeps getting it!

    • Shirley-Ann

      It's funny how 'hit-an-miss' snowfall can be Jessica. I have friends who live an hour away from me and they keep being missed by the snow. Well- they finally got a share with this last snowfall 🙂

  • Wanda

    Oh how striking the contrast of the lovely colors and white snow. Beautiful. We love baked potatoes with toppings. My dearest likes his covered with chili!

    This year we have had to change our plans on several occasions. We say this is plan A, B, C and the G Plan is God's plan. Always the best plan.

  • karen

    I'm like you, I stay home when the snow is flying. Our roads do not get cleared clean enough for my liking. We had more than was predicted last night as well.