
Stocking the Shelves

Heellloooo everyone, here’s wishing you all a blessed Candlemas today. Do you have any plans to celebrate it (if you keep the liturgical year that is). Today is a little extra special to us as it is also my late fathers birthday, so today we will light a candle in remembrance of him as well as make some beeswax candles to celebrate Candlemas. If you recall, when Jesus was presented at the temple, Simeon held Jesus in his arms and called him the light of the world {Luke 2:22-40} so a candle related craft is perfect to mark this day.

Have you had a lovely weekend? Ours was cold but fairly relaxed. Apart from the necessary errands that had to be run on Saturday and church on Sunday, I spent a blissful weekend sewing. More on that later.

First up, I wanted to say a very big WELCOME to all my new followers! Its so lovely to have you visit me here at Under An English Sky. I also wanted to remind you all that there is still plenty of time to enter my Grow Your Blog giveaway so please do pop over to that post and enter. Remember, it’s open to everyone and I will post anywhere in the world.

Have you noticed the ‘housekeeping’ that’s been going on here? I’ve changed, tweaked and refreshed my little blog. I loved my old layout but I have been wanting a simpler look to the blog for a little while. I love the openness of just one sidebar and the clean crisp look of white. I was beginning to feel that UaES was looking a bit cluttered. Perhaps the spring cleaning bug has bitten early this year 🙂

Okay, so onto a bit of Etsy news. Late last year I actually closed my Etsy store as I was having way more success at selling my wares over on Ebay. I completely sold out of all but one string of autumn bunting! I was encouraged to see that there are people out there who like what I have made and there is a market out there. There must be a winning formula with selling on Etsy but I have yet to find it. Having said that lots of people do have success so I’m thinking that perseverance is the key.

So this weekend I spent time on sewing up some lovely things for my home as well as a few things for the store which is set to re-open later this week. I made a couple of waffle weave tea towels. My own stock of tea towels was looking rather grim – stained and worn – and I have had this pretty waffle weave fabric in my stash for well over a year, I had intended it for tea towels but the procrastinating me kept putting it off!

I have now replenished my own stock of tea towels and these four pictured above will be listed in the shop a bit later on after some ‘artful’ photography 😉

I also had time to cut out and sew 18 flags for two strings of spring bunting. All that’s left for me to do is to sew them onto a 3 m length of cotton tabbing which I will do today, then I can photograph and list them.

Wishing you all a wonderful Monday 


  • Gill

    We have had a cold and snowy weekend. This morning I went to our local church charity shop to buy a good supply of hand dipped candles. They collect in old used candle stubs and these are melted down and recycled at a workshop for mentally disabled /socially challenged people. The resulting new candles are beautiful and burn really well. This afternoon I am snuggled up with my latest crochet work helping one child who is working on/ experimenting with batteries and circuits and one who is struggling with an essay on the hopes and dreams of today's young people in general and herself in particular for a 10 minute class presentation tomorrow.
    Love your bunting! Gill

  • Ellen, the Bluestocking Belle

    We don't tend to celebrate Candlemas here, but I do have a candle burning in the kitchen. It's cold and windy out today and the candle is cheery! I like the idea of Candlemas much better than Groundhog Day! 😉 Your tea towels are lovely!

  • Sandra Ann

    Love the tea towels they are so pretty.

    I am still trying to sort out my online shop!! I decided on eBay and thought I would try Storenvy interesting that eBay was so useful. I might consider that avenue too.

    Happy Candlemas Day to you all

    San and co xx