
February Musings…

Did you have a wonderful weekend? Were you spoilt by your love one – or did you spoil a loved one this St. Valentines day? Well I was spoilt by my darling husband with a lovely bunch of flowers and some very pretty lingerie (never goes amiss with me 🙂 )

Sometimes February can be a hard month to love! Its been exactly a week since I last saw the sun! Arrrggg – it sure can get me down. We have had a week of overcast misty/foggy grotty weather. It usually does not bother me much but today it just made me feel rather glum. 

So when the sun finally slipped out – an hour before it is due to set – I rushed out to get some snaps and just to soak up a bit of it’s brightness! (Sad – I know, what can I say 😉 )

I do love seeing shadows on the wall – it means the sun is shining! But the bleakness of my garden, it’s emptiness, all the bare earth took the edge off that ‘happy shadow feeling’. See – I really am glum today lol

I set off to find some signs of spring’s arrival, and I found a few clues that spring is indeed just around the corner.

My spring bulbs are pushing through and coming along quite nicely. They were only just peeking through the ground last week! I have a real mix of bulbs planted and cannot wait to see what is what at ‘bloom’ time! I made no note of what bulbs were planted where. 

The only thing in bloom at the moment are the trusty little Snowdrops. I have a really teeny-tiny patch of them, I think I must plant more in the autumn for more of a display next year. They are so lovely.

There is a carpet of them in bloom in our church yard. I keep meaning to take a picture of them to show you – but have yet to actually remember to take my camera along on a Sunday.

Apparently we are going to see sunshine Tuesday and Wednesday which I’m thrilled about. I’ve been waiting for some great light to take some pictures of my bunting that I want to list in my Etsy store.

BUT – there is no time to be glum for long this week. We have a delish supper of pancakes to look forward to tomorrow as it is Shrove Tuesday. Then Wednesday ushers in Lent. We have the Service of the Ashes on Wednesday evening, our walk through Lent calender to put up too. We have a whole week of time to spend as we wish as we are currently on our half-term break, and we wrap up our week with our youngests 15 birthday on Saturday and a fun Ceilidh Dance on Saturday evening with some friends from church. So lots to look forward to that is sure to chase the February blues away!

That’s about it from me today, I’ll be back soon to chat about some Lent things that I have planned. Until then…


  • Penny

    I can't tell you how welcome your photos are. I live about 4 hours from our friend Dawn H, and I can tell you New England is NOT very cheerful right now. Enjoy your pancakes – pretend they are sunshine on your plate!

  • Kelly

    February is my least favorite month, too, but truly when I turn the page to March the mere name makes me think spring. I live in the midwestern U.S. so the actual appearance of spring is a little ways away yet, but I surely enjoyed your lovely photos!

  • creations.1

    Your Valentine flowers are beautiful – a bright spot top your glum week. Won't be long and the sun will be poking through each day for you – and then your garden will be magnificent!!

  • karen

    I see signs of spring in your neighborhood, we are still covered in snow and I'm okay with that. Soon enough summer will be here and I'll be hot. I miss the sun as well when it's been days.