
This and That…

Hello everyone 🙂

Have you been enjoying the last week of February? We have had a busy week full of lovely things. We are hosting our church’s Lenten Bible Study course (not leading, just providing the venue and hospitality ) so Tuesday night saw our living room crammed to it’s limit of lovely people, all of us drawn together to share in fellowship and God’s Word. It’s great to put yourself ‘out there’ sometimes, we are getting to know people on a deeper level.

Finally – now that winter is in it’s last stretch – I managed to change the welcome board on my patio from it’s Autumn Blessings message to an encouraging ‘spring-is-on-it’s-way’ message…

The Forsythia in the garden seems to be on the verge of bursting into bloom so I have snipped some twigs and brought them indoors…

I can’t wait to see the bright yellow flowers burst into bloom – it’s such a typical ‘March’ thing in our home. These small things that are included in our yearly rhythm of the home bring joy and small comforts to everyday life.

The garden is still looking rather wintry. Bare trees, grass that is looking stringy and blah, and weeds filling the beds. I really need to get stuck in and get them out – but it’s just so wet and cold out there!

However, in the rather bleak-looking garden there is some colour, albeit a very small patch of colour, but colour none-the-less…

Indoors I have placed little pots of Primroses throughout the house. I just love how delicate and pretty these plants are and I am enjoying their blooms immensely. I have a little pot of lilac primroses next to my bed and jam-jar of daffodils on my chest-of-drawers.

In the entrance hall I have three little pots of primroses on display along with my little twig Lenten cross to indicate the season.

This week we took another little walk along the park and country lanes, I loved this little scene that we came across. Somebody is having renovations and this beautiful Aga (I think it’s an Aga) has been set out on the drive. I wonder if they are going to put it back or get rid of it? I could not bear to part with such a lovely thing if it were mine.

With it being the last week of February, I spent a bit of time today updating our ‘Family Central Control’ area. This is the place where our calendar, monthly meal-plan, birthday calendar and various notices of upcoming events is located. I created this space last year some time and it has worked so well.

March’s meal plan was done today and I have just got to draw up a shopping list and do an online shop of the first weeks groceries. I personally prefer to do my shopping online as it is way more convenient, especially during busy times, and I don’t add unnecessary things to the shopping trolley!

I’ve manged to fit in a little crafty fun this week too. My dear friend in Manchester has the most gorgeous little chicken on the dresser in her kitchen. He catches my eye every time I visit her. I decided that it was time to attempt to make my own. It’s pretty simple really and I am fairly happy how my first chicken turned out. But there are improvements to be made. I think for my next chicken I will use small buttons for eyes. I will also stuff his body more and add a bit of rice to his bottom so that he sits a little more firmly. 

This little chicken has found his home on our bathroom shelf and looks quite happy to be there!

This week I also stitched a little card for a friends birthday. She is the tower captain of our church’s bell ringing team and is just mad about ringing. I was thrilled to find this little chart of church bells in one of my cross stitch mags – perfect for her!

I have also made a start on my Easter stitching…

I just love these little bunnies! If you look at the picture in the background they have been made into little decorations for an Easter twig tree. Each year I like to add a little something extra or different to my own Easter twig tree, this year these little bunnies are going to be a sweet addition.

Right! I think we are all caught up now 🙂 I know it has been a photo-heavy and long post, but I suppose that’s what happens when so much has gone on and no regular updates to the blog made!

Have a lovely week all and I hope to see you back here very soon.


  • Julie's Lifestyle

    Hi Shirley, it sounds like you have had a nice week. It's so nice to see the crocus and the other plants growing so nice. I love the flowers too and it's a reminder that spring is on it's way! Have a lovely afternoon and end of the week.

  • Margaret Dams.

    Well Darling, here is your Gran FIRST on your lovely blog. The stitchery is lovely and the bell ringing card is so sweet. I couldn't wait for it to arrive in my email box so had a peep early.

  • Wanda

    What a fun filled but so meaningful post. Loves the pictures and your narrative. I'm loving this time of year at my house too. All the red is gone, and yellow and spring are gracing our home. I'm loving it. Have chicken thighs in the crock pot and the house is beginning to smell very nice. Have a great day Shirley.

  • J9sHappiness

    Wow – this is a packed post! Gorgeous cross stitch bunnies – I'm a bit obsessed with hares lately and think I will be crafting something related soon! Love all those beautiful pastel shades of primrose and I smiled when I saw your twigs in a vase waiting to bloom. I do the same – except mine always go in a big jug!! Simple things! J9 x

  • Ellen, the Bluestocking Belle

    What a lovely post! My daffs are showing but not blooming yet. I love your Family Control Center! I need to emulate that here…

  • Erin D - The Usual Mayhem

    I love the cross-stitch birthday card that you made – what a thoughtful idea!

    Also completely jealous of your blooming spring flowers….we still have deep freeze and a few feet of snow.

  • Penny

    Your stichery is beautiful!

    I love all the spring touches – at my house we're still buried in snow, so the color is doubly appreciated. Thanks for sharing and inspiring me to find some Spring in my day, even if I have to buy flowers to make it happen!