
A Trip To The Seaside

We are back from our travels…

…and what lovely travels they were!

So  here it is – my husband’s company have offered him a hotel to run in Plymouth. Our trip was all about going to suss things out. Would he be happy with the hotel? Would we be happy living in Plymouth. Is Plymouth even the type of town we would want to live in? Some of these coastal towns can be just awful. So this was an investigative trip. Only three days, so a whirlwind in and out. Not much time to do much sightseeing but enough time to get a feel for the town and the surrounding areas.

Driving through England is always a pleasure. It’s so beautiful, the only problem is that most of the beauty is missed when you travel on the motorways. About 10 miles out of Plymouth we came across a cross-country/steeple chase kind of thing – (sorry, I don’t know much about horse racing events – you get the idea though I’m sure). Our timing was just right – the race was just starting so we pulled over into the lay-by and watched the horses hurtle passed us. My eldest daughter was thrilled.

First impressions of Devon as we drove through – STUNNING. Although there are not many parts of England that are awful 😉 but Devon is certainly a beautiful county.

And then Plymouth… Oh my! I LOVE this seaside town. It is so clean – I have never ever come across such a clean town. There was not a packet, paper cup or tin can lying about. It was spotless.

And the views from the waterfront – Oh my goodness!!! Have a look…

We arrived on a very overcast day and left on a sunny day (Murphy’s law). It looked great in both lights lol.

Before we moved to England we lived in Cape Town South Africa, about a mile from the beach. Although I’m not a sit-on-the-beach kind of person (too sandy) I do LOVE walking along the rocks and beach and just soaking in the views. I find it nourishment to my soul. Of course the rest of my family love the sea, the beach, the whole thing. It has been something that we have missed and my DH and I had spoken of ‘retiring’ to the seaside again one day. Well now it looks as though we won’t have to wait that 15 odd years to do so.

Clear fresh ocean water gently lapping the shore.

Of course there are still lots of little details to iron out with the powers-that-be before we accept the offer so nothing is set in stone as of yet. Events will unfold in their own good time. But for now it was enough to have spent 3 days in such a lovely town and most of all spent a good few hours absorbing the beautiful ocean views.


  • karen

    what a lovely place and I love how opportunities pop up in life. I hope everything works out for the best. I'm like you, I love the beach but not the sand mess 🙂

  • Penny

    How thrilling!!! I am so very happy for you – and one day I would love to visit your hotel 🙂

    A girl can dream, right?

    Hmm… I wonder if I could drag our friend Dawn along with me… one day….one day… that would be amazing!

    • Shirley-Ann

      Penny, wouldn't that be fun! I think the three of us would have a ball – I would love to show you around bits of England. I know Dawn is a real Anglophile lol – she does have Irish roots after all.

    • Penny

      My goal is to one day spend at least a year in England – I'm really not sure how I came to be born anywhere else!

    • Shirley-Ann

      lol – your comment made me laugh. We immigrated to England 4 years ago, I was born in what was Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and raised in South Africa. I went through my whole life wondering how come I was born anywhere other than England as I had such an affinity for it from such a young age. Living here now I feel like I have come 'home'. I am exactly where I am supposed to be – the great thing is my husband and children feel the same way 🙂

    • Penny

      Now *that* is inspiring! I am so happy for you – all of you!

      I'm raising my teacup in salute to you for making your dream come true!

  • Blue Jeans And Teacups

    What lovely pictures you shared with us. I thought I would take a moment to pray for you 🙂
    Dear Lord,
    I lift up Shirley and her family to You. I ask that you would guide them in this decision and that Your perfect will for their futures would be done. I thank You for the brief reprieve they had during their trip and give all glory to You Lord. Please bless them and be with them. In Jesus name. Amen.
    ~Many blessings to you!
    ~Heather Elizabeth

    • Shirley-Ann

      Thank you Heather. I cannot tell you how comforting it is to know that one is being held up in prayer by another sister in Christ. ((hugs))

  • DeliveringGrace

    It is a beautiful part of the country and close to the moors as well as the sea. I love your photos-the sea is spectacular out of season. We have friends in a growing church in Plymouth. If you do decide to go and are looking for a church, let me know.

  • Heather

    How exciting! Will be praying for you all! I love the seaside and would love to live that close!

  • Amanda

    So very exciting. Your home is so lovely now, so I am sure a move is a big decision. A trip to the seaside is always nice, though. 🙂 Tell me more about your midori travel journal. Is it all they are cracked up to be?

    • Shirley-Ann

      Hi Amanda, well we are certainly going to be a bit picky about the new house. We are very blessed where we are now – close to town but in the countryside with wonderful views. I am looking forward to a slightly smaller garden I have to say 😉

      I LOVE my Midori Travelers Journal. I had a bit of a guilt attack last week as I have moved my daily diary etc into the Midori and temporarily (like 3 days) went back to using my Filofax – but I found that I prefer the feel of the Midori in my hands, the layout of my Midori diary and the fact that I have my journal and two other notebooks that I use daily all in one place. I have not rejected my Filofax completely, my contacts are still there, goals, gift lists and I'm using the diary inserts to keep a handle on my writing deadlines. So I guess my Filo is for 'work' and my Midori is mostly creative but has my daily appointments, 'To Do's etc inside. Filo for home Midori for everywhere 🙂 It's so light, looks good and smells amazing (leather). I don't think I would want to be without my Midori at all. So for me – it certainly is all it's cracked up to be 🙂

  • sewing green lady

    It's all exciting news. Will you be involved with the hotel too? If so will there still be enough time for home schooling? It all looks very beautiful. My prayers are with you. xx

    • Shirley-Ann

      No I wont be involved with the hotel – I don't think I would be very good at it at all 🙂 My time is quite taken up with the home schooling and the free-writing I do. I am seriously upping my game in my free-lance writing career this year – time to take it to the next level. Thank you for your prayers, they are much appreciated.