
Out In The Garden and Around the Home

I’ve been feeling a little disconnected with my garden of late and I think that it has to do with our impending move down to Plymouth in Devon. We are still at least three months away from that moment but moving means that I am unable to cultivate a vegetable garden this year. My usual routine of planting seeds in March passed me by and my garden beds grew gradually more neglected and weedy.

Yesterday was a Bank holiday here in England, the girls were out all day on a ringing tour so DH and I decided to get stuck into the garden. No – I still cannot have my veggie patch this year but we do need to put everything back as it was when we first moved into our home – it is a rented property. So we took out the weeds, added topsoil and compost, and sowed grass seed. It’s all a little sad but it sure looks allot better than it was looking!

Now I may not be able to have a huge veggie patch to play in this season, but I thought I would do something in pots this year, so I could take it with me. I Potted up some strawberry plants from the veggie patch and bought two tomato plants from the garden centre. Unfortunately we have had the most wicked wind blowing today and I see that my poor delicate little tomato plants are looking rather worse for wear. I’ve moved them into a sheltered position and am hoping for the best.

Spring continues to usher in a wave of blooms in the garden, some are just peaking, some are reaching their end and littering the lawn with their pretty petals.

Indoors we have been doing lots of deep spring cleaning. Furniture is being moved and the areas underneath cleaned, I am keeping to my cleaning schedule quite nicely and areas like skirting boards, kitchen cupboards the laundry room, out-of-the-way ledges, nooks and crannies have been getting the once over. But it is an ongoing effort isn’t it? I’m glad that I have one small task to add to the daily chores each day, otherwise I would not get it all done!

Lots of de-cluttering is going on, the recycling bins are filled to capacity each week in an effort to throw out what we never look at or use – I’m determined NOT to pack it all up, move it to Devon, unpack it all and then never look at it.

Anyhoo – I think that is enough ‘housekeeping’ for one day. It’s 17h00 and I need to get supper on the go. Have a wonderful day everyone.


  • DeliveringGrace

    You sound super organised. I love the idea of taking a few plants with you. How about some home grown basil on your window sill? Having some always makes me feel that summer has come.

    • Shirley-Ann

      Hi Sarah, I do grow basil on my windowsill. In fact my last one expired recently so time to get another one 🙂

  • gilly

    What a beautiful garden! And I'm sure once you get settled into your new life in the south, you'll create another lovely space too. Well done you for staying so focused on your cleaning, I get constantly distracted away from mine!
    Have a happy week,

  • mamasmercantile

    We grow lots of vegetables in pots, broad beans are easy to grow in pots and will of course be easy to move. We grow tomatoes in hanging baskets, the tumbling toms variety, they are specifically for baskets.

    • Shirley-Ann

      I've never had allot of luck with pots – but I'm determined to give it a go and not forget to water them this growing season! Nice to hear that you have had success with growing veg in pots – thanks 🙂

  • imperfectly natural mama

    I am definitely in spring cleaning mode at the moment, I am reading a fab book called The Life Changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo and so far am so inspired. Your garden is stunning, will you have such a beautiful view in your new place?

    • Shirley-Ann

      Helen I hope we will have a view in our new place. We are country folk for sure so we will trust that the Lord will provide a home where we will be happy and connected to nature 🙂

  • Unknown

    Good luck with our upcoming move. We moved house last September to a smaller house so had lots of decluttering and sorting to do.

  • Monica

    Im so glad that you found the right home for you down in Devon! I'm praying to find for us a home that is right as well. As for packing/moving/unpacking all the unnecessary, I'm trying to do the same. It's crazy how much we manage to keep over the years, that we barely know about (yesterday I found a pair of brand- new shoes in the garage that I even had no idea existed! And last winter I was about to buy a new pair as I needed them).
    Can't wait to follow your journey!

    • Shirley-Ann

      It really is amazing what we gather up Monica. A move every so often is sure to inspire a good old clean out. I hope you find a home in a place that captures your heart. I'll keep an eye on your beautiful blog for updates 🙂