Create,  Hearts At Home

The Creative Home: A Soggy Yarn Along Post

Joining Ginny from Small Things for a weekly Yarn Along catch up.

As I write this post the rain is pouring down outside, soaking the garden and hopefully doing good things for that grass seed that we sowed over the weekend.

I have some potatoes baking in the oven for our lunch and some Praise and Worship playing softly in the background. There is a distinctly peaceful atmosphere in my home right now. These little moments I treasure for life is often very busy and I have learnt to Savour these brief moments of peace and quiet.


On the needles: My Hermione’s Everyday Socks are coming along nicely. I really had hoped to be done with at least the first sock by today, but life has been busy once again and I have not picked up the needles as much as I would have liked to since my last Yarn Along post. 

I am loving this pattern! There is a comfortable rhythm to it’s pattern, easy to remember and fabulous to see grow and take shape. As I knit these socks my mind is beginning to plan out what items I want to have ready for the Autumn later on in the year. Don’t get me wrong – I’m not wishing the year by and certainly I am looking forward to summer and the warm days. But each year the cold weather seems to suddenly arrive and I find that there is ALWAYS a shortage of gloves, mittens, scarves etc for the family. So this year I figured that if I just keep building up the winter-warmers stockpile I won’t be caught out 🙂

Reading: Well, I finished off my Agatha Christie’s Murder On The Links – I was completely side-swiped with who did it! Didn’t see that one coming 🙂 I’m between books at the moment so I am eager to visit some other Yarn Along posts and see what books are being shared.

Blessings to all of you today ….


  • karen

    beautiful socks, I need to knit those, I keep saying that….We have rain here finally, it's been quite dry and we need the rain!

  • Paula

    Yep, I do most of my 'winter' knitting in the summer. People think I'm crazy. But what good is it to start the mittens Ella needs AFTER the cold weather arrives? We could use some rain too. But not till the weekend, Colin wants to get the wheat in first and only for a couple days because he wants to get started with the corn 🙂

    • Shirley-Ann

      I'm so glad to hear that someone else does summer knitting Paula 🙂 I hope that the rain comes at the right time for your wheat harvest.

  • Donna

    I find the same thing – once the cold weather gets here I am searching for gloves and hats. I am trying to be better prepared for the next season! Enjoy your peaceful home. I love when my house is like that.

  • mamasmercantile

    I am always at odds with the seasons, sewing and crocheting in the spring/summer for the autumn/winter and visa versa. Love the colour of the socks, a real delight.

  • Unknown

    You're very organised getting the Winter knitting done now. I don't tend to remember until the kids go back to school and I remember that Winter is on the way lol.

    I like your socks 🙂

  • Anonymous

    I love that sock pattern! And what a happy colour. It's rained a bit here, but I think we could probably do with a bit more. 🙂 I love the rain.

  • J9sHappiness

    It's a perfect reason to knit when the rain is pouring down outside! Your sock is coming along nicely. I crochet but don't knit so am interested to see how it comes out! Hope the sun shines soon, J9 x