
Yarny Catch-Up and Blog News

I have discovered knitting Podcasts! I know – waaaaaay behind in the times but what can I say. I have my little ways and routines that I’m quite happy with and although technology plays a lovely little role in my life, my life certainly does not revolve around it. 

So, about podcasts, how wonderful are they?! I really enjoyed sitting down with my knitting and listening to people chat away about all things yarny. I tell you I got a lot of knitting done in one sitting, which is just as well because I actually have not found the time to sit down for any length of time since that first sitting to knit or listen 🙂

I’m nearly NEARLY finished with my second sock. I’m so happy that 2nd-sock-syndrome has not kicked in while knitting this pair. In fact I’m already dreaming of casting on for a second pair of socks this week. 

I’m still reading ‘Tea Time for the Traditionally Built’. It’s not the best book I’ve read but the author manages to capture the essence of people so well that it still makes it an enjoyable read.

Do you see the cute sock blockers that my socks are on? They are my very first pair of sock blockers and I just love them. I have wanted a pair for the longest time but wanted a pair that was cute, not those plastic ones you get off Amazon, and also ones that were affordable. So after lots of hunting I found a UK supplier who makes these beautiful sock blockers with the cutest little sheep engraved onto the top. They were on £12.40 a pair so a great price. You can find yours and Whorldropspindle.

Now for a bit of blog news. Under An English Sky is back on Facebook. I really missed interacting with my readers but did not like the whole distraction of FB and thus deleted all accounts. Well after much thought, deliberation and self-imposed ‘ground rules’ lol, I have decided to re-open a page for my blog where I will post little extras between posts, updates or seasonal tidbits. So please do pop on over and follow along.

Under An English Sky

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I also wanted to just say a very big thank you to all my regular readers and new followers. I have made some lovely friends through this blogging platform, learnt and awful lot and been inspired by many of you. So here’s sending you all a virtual hug {}.

Have a fab Wednesday 🙂

Joining Ginny Today at Small Things


  • Gill - That British Woman

    love you sock blockers, I am not at that stage with my learning to knit experience yet. I read a super book this week and put it on my Yarn Along post this week.

  • Unknown

    I only started watching podcasts a couple of months ago after two bloggers I enjoy following started theirs. It's a nice excuse to sit down for a bit and get on with some crafting.

    I love your socks and your sock blockers 🙂

  • Tiny Toadstool Cottage

    I love your sock blockers! I am hoping to find a lovely pair at our sheep and wool festival in July.
    Now, I am more way behind the times than you, as (and I don't know if I dare to admit this!), I know nothing about podcasts. Not even sure what they are, or how you would find them! We have very limited rural internet here, so I only do half an hour a do on basic stuff. Maybe one day I will work out all these wondrous things!

  • Donna

    Aren't knitting podcasts wonderful? My Downcast is constantly full and I never get to catch up either. The bad side of podcasts? It cuts into my reading time. Your socks look lovely!

  • mamasmercantile

    Sending a hug right back. I love the sock blockers, if only I had enough courage to try knitting some socks. The ultimate luxury hand knitted socks.

  • Anonymous

    Such a lovely colour! I know -of- knitting podcasts, but there aren't really many that I actually listen to frequently— aside from Woolful. It's great!

  • Creative Life Studio

    I listen/watch SO many knitting podcasts! An old favorite that I've listened to for years (it's only audio) is the Knitmoregirls. I also really like Jen's "Down Cellar Studio." But there are many, many more! A new one (to me) that I've started watching on YouTube is "A Homespun House." So lovely. I don't often go back and listen from the beginning, but that is what I am doing with hers. Knit designer, Susan B. Anderson also has a terrific podcast on YouTube, though she doesn't seem to post regularly. And there are many, many others. I am just learning more about all the great ones on YouTube; previously I have mostly just listened.

    Your socks are wonderful – love the color. And the solid shows the pattern so nicely!

  • CathieJ

    Cute sock blockers and really pretty socks. I have yet to listen/watch podcasts so I am behind you.

  • Amy at love made my home

    I am just starting on FB – always way behind the times me! – so I have been and liked you! I love your sock blockers, they are too cute aren't they!! Love your socks of course as well! xx

  • Zena

    Lovely socks and cute cute blockers. I've yet venture in to socks but I've bookmarked the link for when I do. Thank you! Oh I didn't know everyone was listening to podcasts. This is why blogs are so good.

  • karen

    podcasts are the best, I'm way way behind in listening since I've had my kids visiting off and on for the past two weeks. However soon enough I will be all caught up 🙂 love your socks!!