
My Little Robin

This little fellow just makes my heart sing. He visits the feeder frequently throughout the day. On days when it is warm and sunny we sit outside on the patio, our patio furniture is literally 4 ft away from the feeder, yet our presence does not frighten him. He is happy to pick out meal worms while we admire him. Perhaps he likes hearing us say how beautiful he is lol.

Wishing you all a lovely Thursday.


  • Tessa~ Here there be musing

    What a precious little bird, your English Robin is.

    Ours are bigger, with a red breast, and darker brown feathers, on the rest of the body. Not as cute, as yours! 🙂


  • Down by the sea

    Robins always seem the most friendly birds in the garden! Has this robin already discovered you in your new home? Sarah x

  • Bevy @ Treasured Up and Pondered

    Yes!! I agree – this one is prettier than our robins – stateside!

    I love watching the birds. I can never seem to get a photo as good as this one – no matter how hard I try!!

  • Karen Andreola

    Hi, I'm an American Christian who lived in Kent, England for a year and I'll never forget the bold robin that made our back garden his territory. I've been fond of the British robin redbreast ever since. Your robin visitor looks cute and very content to be in your garden.

  • Denise

    SUCH a cute picture, Shirley!! I just love English robins — they're so much cuter than ours in the U.S. 🙂 It looks like you're settling into your new home nicely. Hope you have a great week!


    Denise at Forest Manor