
Knitting News

Joining Ginny this week for Yarn Along

I seem to have my knitting mojo back. It could be the change in the weather or it could be that I am so inspired by the colours on Dartmoor. Something that you might not know about me is that I studied fashion design many moons ago. So I am often inspired by my natural surrounds in with regards to my creative side. Up on Dartmoor I see jersey’s, cowls, scarfs mittens etc knit up in all the colours and with patters inspired by the countryside.

Right now I’m working on the Shetland Wool Weeks free pattern from Donna Smith called Baa-ble. It is adorable and has been inspired by the colours and scenery of Shetland.

I’ve chosen to knit my Baa-ble up using Drops Air. I took my photo’s in rather strong sunlight so it’s hard to pick up the true colour from this pictures but if you visit my ravelry project page for this hat you can get an idea of my colours. If you are wanting to knit up this cute hat do check out my notes as I found that I’ve had to switch to slightly smaller needles so as to have a hat that I would not drown in.

Reading: I’ve just been to the library and stocked up on gardening and foodie books and one biographical book written by a Devonshire born and bred gent. This book is all about growing up in the countryside and his love of the natural world around him. I’m feeling very drawn to hearth and home at the moment (well, more than usual. If you have been reading my blog for some time you will know that my heart is at home with my family and in creating a warm, loving and inviting home), so all these books really appeal to that pull inside of me.

Now I’m off to catch up on some other Yarn Along posts and knit a few more rows of my Baa-ble 🙂


  • Mylittlepieceofengland

    I'm a hearth and home kinda gal too, and I think this time of year makes me draw in closer to it. I love the tones in your wool, looking forward to seeing the hat xx

  • mamasmercantile

    The yarn looks beautiful and the choice of books a real delight. I think it is the time of year that draws you to the home more, I certainly am happy to be indoors more working on a project and baking.

  • Eileen

    That hat pattern is so cute! I just saved it on my Ravelry page…thankyou.
    Weather is changing here in the Roockies too, snow in the mountains, rain and fog in the foot hills.Yeah! Love the cold weather.

  • Cheryl

    I gain so much colour influence from the moors too. All the heathers and gorse, against the more stark colours. Always been drawn to them. Looking forward to seeing your finished hat.

  • Gill

    You might enjoy the books written by Hope Bourne, a Devonshire writer whose work is probably available in the library. She wrote mostly non fiction, about life on exmoor and one fiction book, Jael, which is also set on exmoor.

  • Elise

    Yay for knitting mojo! I love the Baa-ble hat – I made mine in April and now I think it's finally time to wear it again, so exciting!