
Going Micro

Every so often I feel like life is suffocating me. Do you know what I mean? Everything seems to just get a bit too much. There is too much to do, too much going on, too many places to be. When that happens it’s the basics that tend to get overlooked and neglected. Pretty soon you are feeling like your head is a washing machine of swirling thoughts that you cannot quite get a grasp on.

When I get to that point I know that I need to ‘go micro’. I need to take time out to re-group with my family, with my routines, with myself. 

I’ve been feeling that way for a little while now. I’m pretty sure that it’s due to our recent move. I have tried to put our lives back together in record time and I fear it’s having it’s toll, perhaps I shouldn’t have rushed it all so much. So I know that I need to take a wee break from certain things to get my head and heart attuned, to get my priorities sorted out again, and reconnect.

I guess this is the perfect time to take a short blogging break. I love being here, but lately I’m finding it hard. I’m not sure what to post and share, I’m finding long stretches of time are passing between posts, yet from my point of view it doesn’t feel like long stretches of time. 

So my dear readers, I’m going to put my blog to bed for the holidays. Spend time with my family, indulge is each small moment and take the pressure off for a while.

I am a writer and gatherer of moments, memories and days so I will certainly be back sometime in the new year. I do love blogging that’s for sure, but a little break will be so very good!

May you all have a very blessed Christmas and a safe and joyous new year. See you in 2016 


  • mamasmercantile

    Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas and everything that you wish for yourselves for the new year.

  • Bevy @ Treasured Up and Pondered

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you!! I totally hear you and have had the same sorts of feelings… from time to time. I'll be waiting for your happy return. 🙂

  • sandy in spain

    Wishing all your family a healthy, happy Christmas, and lots of wonderful adventures in 2016. Enjoy your break

  • Tanya

    Have a wonderful Christmas, Shirley! May you and your family have blessed moments celebrating and worshipping our Lord. See you again in the New Year and enjoy your wee break 🙂

    • Shirley-Ann

      Thank you Tanya. Wishing you and your family a very special and holy Christmas too! "See" you in the new year 😉

  • Tanya

    Have a wonderful Christmas, Shirley! May you and your family have blessed moments celebrating and worshipping our Lord. See you again in the New Year and enjoy your wee break 🙂

  • jan

    Hope you are all well Shirley – I know what you mean about feeling overwhelmed at times. Hope you have a lovely break and continue enjoying exploring your new surroundings xxx

  • Colleen

    Take it all easy, Shirl. Four years and that should have you feeling settled-not four months, dear girl!! Rest, read, rejuvenate. Lots of love from your Aunty Colxxxxx

  • Amy at love made my home

    I hope that you have a great break, a wonderful and blessed Christmas and a great 2016 as well!!!! Take some time and do what you need to, or not as the case may be. I think that at this time of year we can all very easily feel a little worn! Look after yourself. Happy Christmas! xx

    • Shirley-Ann

      You are so right Amy, so many people have been saying how tired they feel. A good rest is just what is needed 🙂 Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  • Catherine

    I was feeling just the same way but you put it more eloquently. Enjoy your time away from blogging and come back all refreshed after Christmas. Wishing you a very merry Christmas and a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year.

    • Shirley-Ann

      I do enjoy IG Monica, although it can often take up more time for me than blogging does. I'm quite wordy too so typing on my teeny tiny phone keyboard is often very frustrating 🙂

  • SueB

    Hello. I found your blog through "handbookofnaturestudy", their December newsletter. I was very excited to see you in it as we are also in the UK (Suffolk) and home-educating our children 😉 and we love nature too! I can appreciate how you must feel after your move, so much focuses on the mum holding it all together and we often don't realise how much strength that can take. Reading through you previous blog posts, I can see we have a lot in common and will look forward to reading more in thew New Year. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Love Sue x ( I bought Lynn's Nature PDF too 😉 )

    • Shirley-Ann

      Hello Sue! How lovely to 'meet' a fellow British Home edder 🙂 You are so right, so much of a homes atmosphere is so dependent on a mum. It's crucial that we know when to slow down and take care of ourselves so we can take care of those we love. Isn't Lynn's Nature PDF wonderful? I think she has done such a fantastic job. It's really not easy home educating AND writing a curriculum. I have so much respect for those that do so. Wishing you and your family many Christmas blessings 🙂

  • Unknown

    We do all need a break sometimes. Some while ago my friend from stilusessaywriting.com was having a lot of problems with health and after having a week break he was fulll of strength, new idea and working spirit. Sometimes we need a reboot, as I say.