
Standing On the Cusp of Lent

Can you believe that Lent starts this week? Easter is early this year so Ash Wednesday seems to have come upon us rather quickly this year. With all the changes that have been happening in our home I have to say that I have not really paid much thought to plans for Lent this year. But this morning I have had a bit of time to reflect and actually, it’s once again the perfect timing for focus and reflection on God, His goodness and His provision in all things, especially the sacrifice that Jesus made for all.

Here are a few of my plans for this week:

Shrove Tuesday: It’s all about pancakes!

*A Choice of Oatmeal Blueberry Yoghurt Pancakes or Apple Cinnamon Pancakes for breakfast.

*Pancake Supper: Butternut Squash and Stilton Filling & pancakes filled with ice-cream and chocolate sauce for desert.

Ash Wednesday & onwards: Reflections

*We will be using Reflections For Lent 2016 as part of our devotions together. I think we will also discuss what we can do for others this Lenten season and how we can perhaps sacrifice and let go of some of those bad habits that have a tendency to creep into every life such as, speaking ill of others, holding grudges, unkind thoughts and words. 

I’m thinking that perhaps keeping a Lent journal is a good idea. Here we can write scriptures to ponder on, prayers, thoughts on situations that we find difficult and frustrating and how we can bring them to God.

I found this Lent Journal PDF online today and THIS one too looks interesting- I’m not sure I will use it all but it does have some interesting prompts to think about.

I’m keeping it low-key and doable this year. Nothing fancy or time consuming. As each week and day arrives I will asses and see if there is something I want to include. Day at a time 🙂

Anything planned in your home this year?


  • Helena

    I will have to take a look at the Lenten journals you mentioned. I, too, am taking it a day at a time right now.

  • Linda P

    I was interested to see you are using the Reflections for Lent 2016 as I saw it in the Cathedral book shop yesterday which I visited after the Ash Wednesday service. I'm using a devotional, The Road to Emmaus, written by Helen Julian CSF, an Anglican Franciscan sister, a member of the Community of St. Francis which I already had on my book shelf.