
Sunny Spells and Chuckles

Look! We do get sunshine in the UK! I’d just about forgotten what it was like, we’ve had weeks of dreary weather not to mention a rather nasty visit from Storm Imogene on Monday which hit the South West and left behind her flooded roads, homes without power and us all feeling a little more ‘wind-swept’ than what we would like.

But today! Oh today we have had showers and sunshine, sometimes both at the same time. Showers look so pretty when the sun shines at the same time 🙂

Earlier this afternoon I popped out to do a bit of shopping. I thought I would take the opportunity to get DH a valentines card – after all, it’s just around the corner. I picked up one that said ‘I love you’ in various languages. I opened it up and inside was a little Afrikaans (one of the South African languages),as I read the message I couldn’t help but laugh and whip out my phone to take a pictures. You see the words “Ik houd van jou” currently translate to “I keep of you” The IK should be EK and the HOUD should be HOU if it is supposed to be Afrikaans.

Of course it could be Dutch in which case IK would be right but HOUD should still read HOU. Hmmm, perhaps it is supposed to be dutch – Afrikaans, Dutch and Flemish are all quite similar languages, we are able to converse with someone in Flemish for example albeit in a general sense. We won’t pick up every word but we can get the general idea of what the other is saying.

Either way I found it amusing. It appears the pink cat in the card finds it all rather funny too 😀

38 days to spring! This year it can’t come quick enough for me. I love winter usually, but this year – blah! Already my mind and heart are there :), and to help immerse myself a little more in the spring-to-come I bought a lovely bunch of roses and my favourite magazine…

Doesn’t that little sugar bowl of flowers on the cover look delightful? It got me dreaming about my own garden, of course I’m planning on establishing a lovely veggie garden this year but I want to grow lots and lots of pretty flowers too. I never seem to have much luck with sweet peas but that’s not going to stop me from trying yet again – if you are successful with sweet peas would you mind leaving me some tips??


  • Linda P

    It's good to get some sunshine after all the rain. Enjoy your roses and the magazine. I'm sure the card will be appreciated by your husband. I like the little Italian scene on it! My husband has sweet pea seedlings already. He started early in sowing seeds. It's only the second year of growing them so not experienced growers. What we do get in the way of blooms we enjoy. The more you cut for the house the more you get although they don't last long when cut.

  • karen

    love the card! yes spring is around the corner but we are blanketed with snow for now, I am NOT complaining I love it!