
Pretty Florals

View down the side of our house into the back garden.

Well we have been blessed with another sunny but cold winters day today – two in a row! Whoo-hoo! I was able to get outside and have a little walk around my garden. I’m not sure if you remember but last autumn I mentioned that I planted crocus bulbs in my lawn. Well, look what’s come up …..

THIS is the hope of spring that I knew I would need round about now 🙂 

This morning they were closed up tight, but as the sun came out so they opened up.

I particularly love the bright orange, pollen laden anthers in the purple crocus flowers – so pretty.

The Hellebore’s are looking wonderful – so many in bloom now.

Did you notice the camellia shrubs down the side of the house in the first photograph? Well they also happen to be right outside my kitchen window, already the white Camellia is in flower…

The two pink Camellia’s are not far behind, I have one rather wind-blown flower in bloom…

And a whole lot of buds waiting to open up – again they are very early this year but there’s nothing I can do about that other than enjoy them.

One lone Grape Hyacinth is growing just under the Camellia shrubs.

Indoors I have been enjoying roses this month. At the beginning of February I bought this beautiful pink bunch of roses – they lasted beautifully, it was two weeks before I had to throw them out…

And this week I have gone for a delicate pink and white bunch. They are just beginning to open, can’t wait to see them in all their glory 🙂

I hope my pretty florals have brightened up your day 🙂 Wishing you all a beautiful day…


  • Denise

    Such beautiful flowers, one and all, Shirley!! I've always loved crocuses, possibly because they're always the first to bloom here. We had an old-fashioned camellia bush at our first house, but the flowers weren't as pretty as yours. The pink roses are gorgeous!! My husband brought me red roses on Saturday, and even though pink is my favorite, I was grateful to get them. 🙂

    Thanks for sharing your pretty flower images with us; it's VERY cold here all this week. The thought of spring is a welcome one. Have a great weekend!


    Denise at Forest Manor

  • Kat

    Beautiful flowers. I saw some azalea bushes in the grocery store of all places. Tempted me but not sure our climate is good for them.

  • Linda P

    You have a lovely big garden. I like the way the path curves around in that first photo and you get a glimpse of the countryside. The camellias are beautiful. Seeing the first snowdrops and then the crocuses as they open in the sunshine is always a joyful experience. The roses are pretty and I find they last a long time, which is a bonus. Have a lovely day!

  • Unknown

    Beautiful flowers, thank you for sharing. Camellias are one of my favourite shrubs, such glorious flowers. I had one in a pot in our old house but one year I think we must have had a hard winter and it died 🙁

    Enjoy your roses