
Master Bedroom Overhaul and DIY

It’s good to have my computer back! Its been sounding like a jet engine for quite some time now and last week I noticed things getting slower and slower. I found a computer guy nearby and he took my computer away, cleaned it up and now it’s running quicker and quieter! Hooray! 

Without a computer I seem to have managed to get allot of other things done around the home – although my writing deadlines and lesson planning is now behind. Anyhoo, the projects I’ve been busy with around the home have been allot of fun and a long time coming…

We have this chest of drawers that a friend gave us ages ago. It was meant to be one of those items that would do-for-now but really it has-to-go-sometime-soon kind of pieces. Well here we are three years later and the same UGLY chest of drawers is still hanging around my bedroom. I’ve been on a bit of a redecorating drive over the last few weeks, my Pinterest boards have been pinned to death with home decor inspiration :), so when I woke up yesterday morning I knew that the day had finally come where that chest of drawers simply HAD to be dealt with one way or another.

Now I’ve been hearing allot about Annie Sloan Chalk paint – have you heard of it? Well it’s supposed to be this awesome furniture paint that you can use to transform and up-cycle furniture so that you can create a whole different look without having to buy a whole new item of furniture. Firstly the paint drys really quickly and once it’s dry you rub it with wax so as to seal and cure the paint. 

I was super keen to give it a go. So I googled my nearest Annie Sloan Paint supplier and found that Plymouth has about 2 or 3 stockists – yay!

I’ve just redecorated our bedroom in greys (and love it!). I love the neutral colour palette and envisage adding pops of colour to make it season-relevant. On the whole I’m loving our new look, I still have a lampshade for the main light to find but two things were glaringly out of place. Said chest of drawers and our bedside tables. So in choosing the colours of Annie Sloan paint I took inspiration from the same little chest of drawers (they hold all  my make-up) that inspired the room…

I bought the Paris Grey and Old White. The grey is slightly lighter than this little chest but I didn’t want the furniture to be too overpowering.

So after plenty of carting furniture outdoors (thank you British weather for being totally awesome this week!), back-breaking painting, waxing and buffing (which was a task happily shared with my youngest daughter who LOVES up-cycling), then carting it all indoors again, our master bedroom is looking a little more ‘together’.

Just got to get a new lampshade for the ceiling light!  Oh, don’t you just LOVE that painting on the wall. You can grab it at The Range if you live in the UK.

Let’s take a closer look at the finished chest of drawers…

Much better 🙂

I had wanted to replace those awful handles but discovered that they had all been glued on – so keeping them and painting them was the only option.

And a close up of the bedside tables…

I think I need to keep an eye out for some baskets that would do a better job than these ones. Painting these ones would be tricky due to the stitched on fabric lining and the stitched on handles – but I can live with it for now 🙂

This weekend I’m working on a few pieces that we have in our living room that need a face-lift to compliment some new curtains and soft furnishings – I hope to show that mini make-over to you next week. 

Right – now I should probably wish you all a good night and get on with putting together my review for The Curriculum Choice! 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend everyone…

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