
Small Joys This Week

You’ve heard me say it here before – it’s the small things that happen each day that I look out for. It’s these ordinary things that bring moments of joy and contentment to life.

Here are a few things that have brought me joy over the past week or so…

As I was watering my tomato plants I heard a rustling nearby. I turned to see this cute little hedgehog snuffling about for food, no doubt he is on a mission to fatten up for his winter hibernation. 

We helped him out with heaping some cat food within sniffing distance and he happily spend about 15 minutes scoffing it all down. Now, along with attending to my bird feeder daily, I put little piles of cat food out which is always gone by the next morning. I have also set up two watering stations in the garden for these cute little creatures. 

It seems ‘somebody’ thought that the food was for her LOL. My cats pretty much ignore the hedgehogs in our garden, I think they know which creatures are not to be trifled with.

On another day I stepped out to hang up a load of washing and saw these to moggies just chilling together.

I thought they looked so sweet that I took a picture 🙂

And on yet another day I was sitting outside in the sunshine enjoying a quiet cup of tea when my attention was caught by the insect life happening all around me. Butterflies and bees abound on sunny days and watching them go about their work from flower to flower really was a joy and brought a sense of peace in that moment.

I pretty much always have my camera downstairs and nearby so that I can capture these fleeting moments. For me, when I slow down and observe the world around me, when I cease my business or slow down enough to stop and take in a small joyous moment presented to me, I find that I am better off for it. Small joys = great peace and appreciation for life.

Blessings to you all today…


  • Penny

    Lovely post and wise words. We had a hedgehog pet (a small African hedgehog), he was charming and funny and sweet. I miss him. Thank you for sharing your moments of joy – they inspire me to appreciate my own even more.

    Your cats are gorgeous. 🙂

  • Laura

    Oh if I found a hedgehog in my garden, it would be magical! I love your pictures, they made my day.

    • Shirley-Ann

      Laura it really does feel like a magical experience. They are the sweetest little things – very noisy eaters though!

  • Anonymous

    Your black cat looks a lot like my cat Pinky, and I love your picture of the cat and the hedgehog together!
    I also have a hedgehog in the garden, he also knows where to find food 🙂
    The flowers where the butterflies are on, is that marjoram?
    I totally agree that those little moments when you slow down are great food for the soul, I love to do that too.
    Have a nice day,

    • Shirley-Ann

      It's so cute watching the cats and the hedgehog together Sigrid. When I seem them both just getting on with things as if it is quite normal for cats and hedgehogs to co-exist I always wonder what other wildlife my cats get to interact with in this 'unassuming' manner. Of course mice and birds will think differently to the way I do LOL

  • Cheryl

    How lovely to come across a hedgehog like that. They are the most wonderful little creatures to find. We're hoping that they have made it back into our garden after a few years away. I love those moments. Small simple but sure to put a spring in my step.

    • Shirley-Ann

      They really are wonderful aren't they Cheryl? I just love it when I catch sight of them in my garden, so special. I hope that they will be visiting your garden soon!

  • Kay G.

    That hedgehog! It reminds me of "Holly The Hedgehog" by Ralph McTell. Do you know that song? 🙂
    What a lovely blog you have! Wonderful to find you, Shirley Ann!

    • Shirley-Ann

      I don't think I do know that song Kay – although I'm going to go and find it on YouTube now LOL.
      Thank you for your kind comments about my blog, I'm off to visit yours in a bit 😉