Create,  Hearts At Home

The Creative Home: Yarn Along – Pumpkin Days

Half term is here and it is doing good things for my creativity! It’s been ages since I added anything to my Etsy store. But with cooling temperatures and a bit of free time I have managed to put some of my fabric stash to good use. 

I have been working on a new design for my knitting project bags. I love my little zipper project bags but I also enjoy a drawstring closure – less chance of getting the yarn caught in the zipper which is disastrous for yarn of course.

So I dug out some of my beautiful autumnal fabrics and made a small project bag to suite the season, it’s just the perfect size for socks or mittens. 

While I had the sewing machine out I thought I would make a couple of bags for my Etsy shop. These are slightly bigger as I allowed the printed panels of the fabric to dictate the size. It’s such beautiful fabric and I wanted to showcase it at it’s best. 

I have to say that I struggled to list them in the shop, I seriously wanted to keep them. But of course there is no use having a little business if you fall in love with everything you make LOL.

This one is my absolute favorite…

Each side showcases two different little autumnal pictures – each SO cute! I love that the golden/yellow cotton fabric that frames the panels, it really compliments it.

This is the larger of the two bags listed and would easily hold a scarf, snood or baby/toddler jumper project.

And then we have this little bag…

It’s all about coffee this time of year isn’t it. With this little bag two of my favourite things are never far from my mind – good yarn and good coffee 🙂

On the needles at the moment: I’m flying through a pair of socks for my daughter – I’ve finished the first sock and will finish the second later today. My knitting wish-list is growing by the minute, as it usually does when the weather cools, so I am eager to get this pair of socks finished so that I can cast on my next project.

Reading: I’m enjoying reading Susan Hill’s ‘The Magic Apple Tree’ for a second time. It’s the perfect time of year to read about a British country year. It’s full with real-life accounts of country village living and Susan Hill’s words paint beautiful images in my mind as I read through each season.

Today I am joining Ginny over at Small Things for her weekly Yarn Along post.

Find me on Instagram as Building A Household of Faith and on Ravelry as Shirley Ann Knits.