
Kitchen & Garden Comforts

It’s been a funny old week. We started off with storms…

and we have finished off with spells of sunshine.

We’ve had a general election that didn’t quite work out the way our governing party thought it would and it seems that our country is once again dealing with uncertainty and change. I think most of us are rather weary of it all and wish that the powers-that-be would just get on with it.

So what do you do when you are feeling antsy due to external circumstances that you cannot control? I chose to indulge in some simple activities that help to centre my heart on my home today.

I spent most of the morning canning gluts of cherries, strawberries and apricots – a post to follow on that.

Baked some bread – I do this a couple of times a week, the smell of proving and baking bread are so comforting.

I took a few moments to sit outside, watching the bumble bees going about their business, oblivious to the craziness of the world’s happenings.

And enjoyed watching my kitty being completely adorable 😊

So after a day spent on activities that are focused on the heart of my home and shutting out the noise of the media, I’m feeling much better. What do you do to find peace and comfort when the world seems to be out of control?


  • Kelly

    I do the same types of things – those that affirm the true good in life. Going outside always helps reframe things and put them in a new perspective.

    Your photos are lovely. I am sorry for the upheaval in your country – we went through a mess last autumn here in the U.S. It's not necessarily rosy now but it was very intense.

    Keep seeking beauty! 🙂

  • Penny

    What a lovely lovely post. And brilliant I might add. I'm totally taking your advice….
