
Throwback Thursday – Keeping Home and Keeping Hearts

Welcome to another ‘Throwback Thursday’ post. I found this post from February 2012 quite interesting because this is exactly how I still operate. I still find myself having to do a life stock-take and it is still brought on by that same ‘just-not-quite-right’ feeling.

I’ve been going through this ‘stock-taking’ process for the last two months now, re-jigging things, re-thinking, pondering on certain things. It’s ironic that I find myself in a similar life event 5 years down the line, only this house move was brought on by a bit of ‘stock taking’.

I still use ‘Moms Toolbelt‘ as my organisation tool 5 years later so I guess it has proved to be a good investment of £8 at the time. Anyhoo, without further ado, a peek into my life one February day 5 years ago…

‘Mrs Tittlemouse was a terribly tidy particular little mouse, always sweeping and dusting the soft sandy floors.’ – The Tale of Mrs. Tittlemouse – Beatrix Potter

I find that I have to do a little ‘stock-taking’ in my life every so often. You know, what’s working, what’s not, what needs to change – that sort of thing. I don’t really have a ‘set time’ that this happens, usually, I start to feel that things are not sitting quite right. I feel a little out of my depth, uncomfortable and needing to address that ‘something’ that is making me feel that way. The past few months have been quite tough – I’m not sure why as life is generally good. It could be a bad case of the winter ‘blah’s’ on top of the second move in a short period – who knows, but 2011 certainly brought A LOT of changes in our lives – good changes – but changes none the less.

So it seems that ‘stock take’ time is once again scratching at the door, demanding my attention and action. I pondered over what it was that was missing and I realised that it was the ‘good’ habits that I have lost by the wayside of change. It is quite amazing how a move – even a small local move – can disrupt the best-laid structures in your life. 

One of the things that was almost ‘gospel’ in my life, was the efficient running of my home. Those closest to me will attest to the fact that I was a monthly meal planner. Meals were diligently recorded on a monthly calendar for all the family to see. My shopping lists were born out of this meal plan which helped me to be a good steward of the housekeeping budget. Most days ran like clockwork and when they did not I was blessed with not having to think about what to feed my family! (This BTW is really a huge relief in my life. I absolutely hate living from meal to meal – always thinking of the next thing to nourish my family – life has to be about more than about constantly thinking about food!) My home ran on the railway tracks of habit – Wednesday was always bed linen day, Monday and Friday vacuum and mop day, Tuesday was furniture polish day etc…

Somehow, all that got set aside in the higgildy-piggildy of moving, settling down and life in general. It was only in the last two weeks that I realised that the comfort and peace that comes from not having to expend so much energy on thinking of these things were missing. My home seemed to be getting on top of me. Thinking about food constantly and often times finding that the cupboards were missing an ingredient right at crunch time began to take its toll on my patience.

About a week ago, I determined that the time had come to oust the bad habit of -well laziness- and get cracking on putting back the things that have helped me run my home efficiently. I decided to treat myself to ‘Moms Toolbelt‘, a neat tool that I have been drooling and umming and ahhing over for ages now.

MomsToolBelt.com Sale

 It did not cost the earth – only around £8.00 – for unlimited access to hundreds of seasonal appropriate forms to help me keep track of all, there is to running a home, a homeschool, a life. I love pretty, so these pretty forms were just the encouragement I needed -lol. I have not yet bought my fancy presentation binder, but I figured if I waited to have it ‘just right’ my home would continue to feel to be in a state of ‘disarray’. No, I felt an URGENT need to get right on top of things. I found a small binder that is currently doing the job. I printed out the forms I needed most – meal planners, housework schedules and monthly calendars and got right on it. It felt good to set in stone some of my regular oldies. (I can be a bit funny that way – once it has been written down, then I am able to release the thought lol). Now all I do is look at the day and the tasks set and tick them off the list. Easy Peasy!

My Heart’s at Home

I think the next area that is requiring my attention is what and how we homeschool. Our days seem SO looooong

Anyhoo, I think that’s enough mumblings from me tonight. I hear the kettle calling my name! Until another day dear friends…

Moms Household Planner


  • Cathy

    We must have a kindred spirit chord tied somewhere…I have loved visiting your blog. I too am feeling somewhat unbalanced these days, yet I attribute mine to my age (I'm a great deal older than you). That said, it still runs true that when my home is running well there is an overflow of well-being for all. You seem to homeschool more like I do. Today in the USA, my area anyway, homeschooling has made such a dramatic change, it is disconcerting to say the least.

    • Shirley-Ann

      Cathy thanks for visiting, I'm so glad that you enjoyed your visit. I think that life goes around in cycles and seasons as in nature. Sometimes things are going smoothly and sometimes they are slightly unbalanced. It's about making adjustments to those unbalanced to get the scales sitting 'just right' again. I am really interested in hearing about the change in homeschooling in the States. I have to say that the homeschooling culture in general seems to have changed since we first started out 13 years ago. Seems that families are more concerned about curriculum etc than what God wants for their family. 🙁