
Blog Update

{As I ramble on about some blog musings, enjoy the photographs I took of the little robin having a bath in our pond yesterday. He is just so adorable!}

Around January each year, I do a bit of blog housekeeping. I usually think about the direction my blog has come from, is it still travelling along the same path etc, and then I consider some techy stuff.

So, on the techy side, there is a change. If you follow my blog or have me bookmarked and you wish to continue to visit me here, please can you make sure that your bookmarked URL reads www.underanenglishsky.blogspot.co.uk

I am leaving the {dot}{com} address behind. My reasons are simple, this blog is a very personal one. I write about what matters to me, about family, faith, homeschooling (which is now reaching its end), and about my love for nature and life in Britain. I write occasionally about my gardening exploits and often about seasonal and liturgical observances. They are all simple musings about an ordinary life, a diary of sorts. 

Last year I considered getting a bit more serious about blogging, but to be honest, I’m not one to write in order to gain more followers or to make an income off my blog. I write for the joy, it is personal, and I enjoy the interaction I have with you. I don’t want to be writing things that give the answers to all of life’s challenges, you know the type of posts, “10 ways to…” or “How I…”

So I’m keeping it simple and true to where this little blog started. I will continue to write about the things that matter to me; family life, home-keeping, faith, lovely creative interests, endeavours and just observing a life simply lived and small things appreciated. 

On where this blog is heading… well I don’t really know. This year our homeschool journey comes to an end and if I’m honest I’m at a loss of what to do next. For 14 years I’ve raised and educated my darling ones. Now what? That’s something to be figured out so I know that there will be no more homeschooling posts after July and I suppose as I figure out my way in a new season so my blog will reflect that. 

In the meantime, thank you to all who continue to visit and take time to read this blog, thank you to all who leave comments – I really love reading them and try to respond to each one.

underanenglishsky.com will cease to bring you here on 13 February so remember to update your bookmarked URL’s to https://underanenglishsky.blogspot.co.uk 

If you have subscribed via Bloglovin or here on my blog you don’t need to do a thing, you will continue to receive posts from this blog

Blessings to you all…


  • Sandra Ann

    Hi Shirley, thanks for the info. I will change your address on my sidebar link. Transition is always tricky and so I hope that you find a way forward once your home schooling journey comes to an end. Well done to you for being 'a good and faithful servant.' San xx

  • Kelly

    Another note, Shirley. I updated my address but it seems to go right back to the .com address. Any thoughts on that?

    • Shirley-Ann

      Hi Kelly,

      It could be because the .com address will still be active until the 13th Feb. If after that date you find you can't access my blog then clear your cache and pop the .blogspot address in again. That should sort it out.

  • mamasmercantile

    As one journey ends another begins in my experience. Hopefully you will find your way with Gods guidance.

  • Unknown

    Hello Shirley, first sorry for my bad english, I'm writting from Switzerland and do not very speak english …
    I love your sweety posts about all subjects you wright. So if you didn't wright about homeschooling, that's ok for me because I love all your posts … about your life in Britain, your natur walks, your faith and praises and I love your beautiful photos !
    So, I would like to encourage you to continue your blog and I look forward to seeing its future evolution.

    • Shirley-Ann

      Anne, thank you for your comment and your English is very good! How lovely to live in beautiful Switzerland, I hope to visit your lovely country one day. Your comment was so encouraging and I am grateful for your kind words. Totally made my day!

  • Elizabeth

    Adore your blog Shirley-Ann. I don't comment every time, probably because I don't want to overdo it. I feel where you are with not knowing what to do next. I have two years left with mine…it would only be one if we hadn't slowed her down a year. I have many varied interests- some things that I could try to make a small career of- but…well, I don't know.

    Hope to see you continue on with this blog; it is the only one that I am consistently reading these days.