
Little Update

Spring is well underway in Devon, in fact, there are some days that feel positively summery. Each day I notice something new in the garden. I LOVE this time of year. The change I see in the garden seems to be reflecting the change in our own family’s life.

As regular readers know, we have reached the end of our homeschooling journey and I have been wondering what the ushering in of this new season of life would look like and how it would play out. Just like the new surprises that show themselves in the garden so too are the new opportunities in our life. 

For the past month, I’ve been scanning the online job boards and applying for one or two things that looked interesting. Well…on Friday last week, I noticed a position with a law firm that I had earmarked as my ‘dream’ firm to work for so I thought I would apply. Amazingly within two hours, I was contacted and an interview was set for Monday (just past).

Fast Forward to Monday, the interview went amazingly well and I got the job! It’s a 2-month temp position as a Paralegal which is just what I was looking for to…

a) get experience working in a law firm and

b) a temp position is (for me) the perfect way to ease back into the working world. 

There is also the possibility of a permanent position with them so there are potential options!

Another thing I’ve done is signed up to begin a Law Degree with The Open University in October. My legal secretarial studies really sparked off a passion for law and made me realise that I actually quite enjoy studying. Crazy? Perhaps, but I didn’t go to university after school as I was just not interested, however, in later life, it’s something I have been wanting to do for a few years now. I just needed to find a subject I was passionate about.

So lovelies…if I am a little quiet here over the next little while you know why. I suspect that my posting will be sporadic at best over the next 2 months but I know that everyone’s schooling year is coming to an end and you will have lots of exciting summery things to be getting on with. I think that my blog is going to morph into something a little different in the future to what it has been over these homeschooling, child-rearing years. But sometimes change is good 😉 

Blessings to you all…