
My Heart’s @ Home

I’ve reached the end of my temp job and although I loved it I’m glad my time working full-time has come to an end. Working full time is not for me. I only wanted a little part-time job to begin with and here’s the thing…God knows. He knows our heart and he knows what is best for us. 

I had applied for a part-time position more than two months ago, had gone for an interview and been told that they had offered the job to someone who had current PA experience. Then all of a sudden I get a call out of the blue, “Would you like the position? The lady who took it has decided she actually does not want it”.

Ummmm! Is that even a question? Of course, I want it! So tomorrow I start my part-time job working 2 days a week at the University. Perfect! All I wanted was a little job to fill a day or two a week leaving me plenty of free time to take care of my families needs, home and my pursue my crafts. Its a 6-month contract covering maternity leave. Again…perfect. Who knows, the projects I’m working on now may need my attention full time by then. That’s the plan anyway.

And God knew…And my husband knew…And my children knew…although they never said a word and were only supportive.

I wanted to have time enough to work on some projects that have been brewing in my mind. Time to get back to dying yarn because after having a break I find that I would quite like to dye some yarn again. Time to take the cats to the vet, the girls to the dentist and whatever other errands need doing that tend to get pushed to a Saturday when you are working full time.

But it’s been fun. It’s been good. I’m glad that I did it and it’s the right time to bring it to a close. I always said my priority is my family and home and nothing can interfere with what is best for that. 

It’s been good for all of us. Good for my girls to see how much I do. I think they have a fresh appreciation for me. Good for our budget just at this time because our stupid car has had to be replaced 😂, and good for me because it cemented what I always knew…that my heart is and always has been at home.

Blessings to you all today…


  • Candis

    Shirley Ann, I love your writing. Like you, my heart is and always has been at home. I know this is where the Lord wants me to be. I am looking forward to your next post.
    Blessings ~