
Themes and Plans for June

OK – so I know that June is just about done and it is probably ridiculous to be posting my brainstorming ideas for the month now. But the truth is I honestly have not had the time! 

June has been absolutely packed to the rafters with busy-ness. The first week saw us going off to the Norfolk Broads for a holiday. On our return it was all systems go in preparation for our church fete, then another week spent with our lovely family visiting from Canada. I have loved how full the month has been but I actually would have liked a few more moments to do what the little chap in the picture above is doing!

Anyhoo, having kept up regular posting on my monthly brainstorming ideas to celebrate each month, I feel I simply have to post June’s celebrations and happenings, after all, these are lists that I tweak and reuse year after year. So here we go….


Junes full moon: Strawberry Moon June 13th

Gemstone: Pearl or Moonstone

Flower: Rose or Honeysuckle

Traditional Rhyme

Married in the month of roses – June,

Life will be one long honeymoon.

Faith :: Liturgical Year

Ascension of our Lord –  June 1st

Pentecost  (Whit Sunday) – June 8th

St. Barnabas – June 11th

Most Holy Trinity – June 15th

St. Alban (first Martyr of England) – June 22nd

St. Johns Day – June 24th

St. Peter and St. Paul the Apostles – June 29th

Life in June

Coronation Day – Gun Salute – June 2nd

Church Fete – June 14th

Trooping the Colour – June 14th (The Queens Official Birthday)

Fathers Day – June 15th

Summer Solstice – June 21st

Wimbledon – June 23rd – July 6th

Midsummer’s Day – June 24th

Nature and Garden

Early Summer

Ripe Strawberries (go strawberry picking at a pick-your-own farm)

Fields of poppies in bloom

Dragon and Damsel fly’s

Roses (Hedgerows full of dog rose blooms)

Wild Daisy chain crowns

Wildflowers in bloom in the countryside

First hay making

First harvests (mangetout)

Elder flowers in bloom

Sweeping swallows

lots of daylight

 warm days

scudding white fluffy clouds

smell of cut grass

lots of lawn mowing!

Foxgloves in bloom

Hydrangeas beginning to form flower heads

Blackberry Brambles in bloom

Buzzing insects

Apples developing and growing

First gooseberries spotted

In the Kitchen

Strawberry jamming and preserving

Strawberry cheesecake

lots of salads

Elder flower syrup

BBQ season is here!

Icy homemade lemonade or Strawberry Lemonade perhaps?

Lots and lots of raw veg and fresh food straight from the farmers markets!

Picnic’s outdoors – lots of them!


A Summer Wreath perhaps?

Decorative Holiday Jar

Pretty Flower posies for the mantle

So there you have my rather belated brainstorming ideas for June. A few of these ideas can be carried right the way through summer so it’s not a complete loss. As for the ‘Life in June’ celebrations, I am pleased to say that we have had little snippets of time to be able to celebrate them in some small way ;o)

Hope your week is off to a fabulous start! Blessings to you all…

Strangers and Pilgrims on Earth