


Oh my! What a big birthday day in our home today. Two birthdays – DH and DD1. 15 years ago our first daughter arrived on her fathers birthday, born at the exact time as he can you believe? Today I have a beautiful, confident, kind and simply delightful 15 year old! I feel so SO blessed. So many people I know agonise over their teen children, and here I am just {generally} loving mine! Happy Birthday Sweet pea. You are such a blessing and I am doubly thrilled that you are mine :o)

And my DH – 50 today! What a blessing to celebrate this landmark birthday with him! Happy Birthday my love! What a blessing it is to be your wife. I am so thankful to God for bringing you into my life, I am complete because of you.

Yesterday was spent baking 4 dozen cupcakes for DH to take to work with him today. I decided to be a bit adventures in my cupcake choice and I think it has paid off because they are all delicious! The ones with the yellow icing are simple vanilla cupcakes for those who are less adventurous.

The ones with white icing are red velvet cupcakes with a cream-cheese frosting, and the ones with the pink icing are chocolate strawberry flavor. They are simply scrummy! So – role on the celebrations! Tonight we are hosting a 15th birthday for DD and her friends and next week-end it’s a birthday bash for DH. Lots of festivities :o).

So I shall love and leave you there today dear friends. There is much to do, much to celebrate and much living to get living! 


  • karen

    happy birthday to your daughter and your husband! What a wonderful day to share together 🙂

  • Sandra Ann

    Happy Birthday to your hubs and daughter, so special that they share the same day and time of birth too. You've outdone yourself in the cupcake department, there must have been happy smiles alround at coffee break time!


  • Loving Learning

    Happy birthday wishes from all of us! I know the girls little package has winged it's way to your side of the world and I am sure it will arrive soon! Big hugs and congrats xxx

  • Shirley-Ann

    Thank you everyone for your kind wishes and comments. We had a lovely busy crazy weekend :o)